But it is my deep seated yearning that their sin which I have - TopicsExpress


But it is my deep seated yearning that their sin which I have found out should come to an end and the people of the world and their offspring are saved from damnation. Their plan is that when very few people will be left in the world, they will have their supremacy over all the countries and continents of the world. The Britishers and others in foreign countries do not know the secret of this mystery. They have not tried to find out why people are dying so young. It is not due to curse of God. No one dies like this. Of course, black magic can cause death to anybody. The saudagar-mahajans practice black magic against the person whom they want to harm and consequently that person dies. They are performing this black magic in an island in the midst of an ocean. That island is quite unknown to other and accessible only to the saudagar-mahajans. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Their show of austerity and religiosity is a sham. Outwardly they present themselves in such a way as if they were the greatest devotees of the world. They do so in order to keep their real intention a closely guarded secret. They think that even if anybody by any chance becomes suspicious about their activities, he will dismiss his suspicion as a mere imagination when he will see them doing religious duties. This duplicity of banias should act as an eye opener to the people of the world. They should see how religious minded they appear and how sinful are their real activities. They are simply following in the footsteps of Ravana who used the people of the world to desecrate the deities by throwing flesh and bones on them. People are offering flesh and bones to the deities at the behest of the banias. Therefore people are not to blame for this because the banias make them sick by their magic power and suggest to them that the unhappiness of the deities is the cause of their illness and therefore they should sacrifice animals to propitiate them. Likewise, they cause famine and attribute it to the fury of gods. Then they suggest to the people that famine has occurred because they did not worship various gods and goddesses. In order to propitiate the deities, people sacrifice animals, as suggested to them. Thereupon, the saudagars cause rains by toning down their diabolic ritual. If They did not stop or tone down their sinful ritual, there would be no rainfall even if all the animals of the world are sacrificed. In such situation people will say that God did not want the rain to fall. These things happen in those countries where people sacrifice animals to propitiate the deities. You can ascertain this fact. The rulers are taken in by the outward behavior of the banias. If they would know what their real intention are, they would never trust them. Like Ravana, they too have debased the sense of judgement of all the rulers of the world. They (the rulers) would not listen to any sane advice. The banias are creating feuds and rivalry among various kings and rulers. As a result, they are killing each other. People including the Hindus, the Muslims and others do not suspect their role in it since they are operating absolutely secretly. If the rulers had known that after the death of Raja Bal they are practising diabolism, they would not have trusted these banias and would have taken steps to curb their activities. I know from close quarters the sinister game of these banias but the kings, the rulers and common citizens of the world are so stupefied by the diabolic influence that instead of condemning them for their dastardly role they are heaping encomiums on them saying that the calamities are the manifestation of God’s will and the banias have nothing to do with it. The whole world has reposed so much faith in the banias. They do not know that it is not the fury of nature but the doings of the banias which is the cause of the world’s miseries. Captivated as their mind is, they say that their survival depends on the good work of the banias. Now listen to me. When Ravana practiced diabolism people had totally disregarded God and his mercy. They were all the time worshipping Ravana and expressing their gratitude to him for their survival. Now the banias are practising diabolism and people are praising them and thanking them for being their saviour. During the times of Ravana, Hiranyakashipu, Kansa and Karun people had forgotten God and expressed their gratefulness to those demon kings for all they did for them. Similarly, people in the present times are praising the banias and bowing to their wishes and showing them the same respect and consideration as children have for their parents. As a child reports without fear everything to his parents, including their criticism by anybody, the people both the Hindus and the Muslims in the same way, share everything with the banias treating them as their well- wishers. You people are seeing with your own eyes what is happening. I have also been watching how things are happening according to their plan. In India even salt is provided by the banias. Both the Hindus and the Muslims have always shown attention to them. But so ungrateful and treacherous are these banias that they are ruining the whole world by practising diabolism. So, the rulers and the people of the world- the Hindus, the Muslim, the Christians! Give a serious thought to the machinations of these unscrupulous people. See, how they have drained out the old treasures to the kings and rulers. For this they perform a mystic rite which results in tearing apart of Earth’s surface. Then they access the treasure and drain it out. This ritual is performed in an island where there are eighty four lakh Kundis filled with blood and pus. They have circulated stories about their secret sin like Ravana, these mahajans have set up their our heaven and hell. They torment eighty four lakh animals on as many Kundis. This is how their diabolism works. Different kinds of magical practices are in vogue in the world. The aforesaid mystic practice known as Indrajal is the one which is performed by the banias. They have destroyed the common people of the world. They do not let anybody get wind of their misdeeds. After draining out the treasures of the kings and rulers, they suggest to the people that their wealth has abandoned them. People being to parrot their words and say that Lakshmi (wealth) has slipped out of their hold. They would not say that The diabolism of the banias has deprived them of their wealth. Bereft of the thinking faculty they fail to see the role of diabolism. The way they drain out the treasures by tearing apart the surface of Earth in the same way they make idols of gods and goddess disappear from the temples by tearing apart the land. Even the temples disappear in this way. People are stunned to see such miracles. Then they instill an impression in their minds that the saints and yogis (the ascetics) are endowed with some supernatural power. The saints and yogis themselves begin to feel that they do have that superhuman quality when the surface of Earth tears apart and they go down with their body intact. But it is no miracle on their part. In fact, the saudagar- mahajans use their black magic to tear apart the surface of Earth and make the stretch of land hollow for a distance of say, two hundred miles. This provides a kind of tunnel to the sage who had gone down the torn land. After treading that distance underground, he comes out. So these banias armed with their diabolic power are capable of tearing a piece of land apart and make it hollow to any extent. If they tear the land upto four miles, the yogi who went down the torn land will emerge at a point four miles away from there. Another thing that they have done is the construction of temples and shrines on the Samadhi (grave) of great divinities, Mahadeo and other Gods and Goddess. People sacrifice animals at the altar of these shrines. The images installed in these temples, where devotees offer their prayers, are removed through the underground channel built by tearing the stretch of land and then they are made to appear at some distance. Thereafter they declare that at such and such place an image of a god or goddess has appeared. In this process Mother Earth suffers. When a human being suffers from swelling and burning sensation due to flatulence and as the painful sensation travels from, say, head to the back and then to the feet, he begins to writhe in an excruciating pain. The mahajans are causing a similar pain and suffering to Mother Earth. When they want to remove treasures or icons or even temples surreptitiously, they create ‘flatulence’ in the bowels of Mother Earth. The painful sensation travelling from one place to another serves as a conduit for transportation of these things, which come over ground at the predestined place. A human being experiences an excruciating pain when the painful sensation travels very fast from one part of the body to another. Similar pain is experienced by Mother Earth when things are drained out through the passage of her body. A number of diseases have been caused to Mother Earth which have made her weak and vulnerable. The fat content of Mother Earth comprising the silver and gold mines – has dried up. When the images of gods and goddess emerge breaking apart the Earth, people throng the place to witness the miracle. Wonder struck, they pray to God and seek His blessings. This is a mere trickery of the banias who make it possible by their diabolism which they call the Kalukal. People readily believe with awe in such miracles. They do not try to understand that it is the black magic of the banias which has moved the images of gods and goddess too far off places. They do not for a moment think how the images made from stone can move from one place to another. They have lost their thinking faculty and that’s why they fail to identify the magical force behind such happenings. The diabolism of the banias has stupefied everybody and people do not understand in spite of my incessant efforts. Nobody notices how they have made the land hollow by tearing it and how they have removed treasures. They only know that the wealth has disappeared. The images from the temples have been removed in the same way.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 04:13:39 +0000

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