But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an - TopicsExpress


But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other mens matters. Anyone who doubts the seriousness of meddling really needs to look at this verse. Those who insist on interfering with another persons life are placed on the same scale as murders and thieves. Pretty sobering. i know that some of you maybe wondering about my above bible scripture so I will explain it has been brought to my attention that some church members have been gossiping about it not looking appropriate for me and my husband to sit apart at church my son usually sits between us . I shouldnt have to explain but since you all are so worried I will .First there is an elderly couple that sits behind my family that likes to see everything that us going on around him and if I am sitting close to my husband he cant see, and secondly of all I have health issues that requires that I have easy access get out quickly if I have to so there fore I sit away from him so I dont have to step on his feet when I get out.I know the reason you are talking is because I am not part of your clique well News flash I never have nor ever will I be apart of anyones clique except Gods .We as Christians all need to examine our lives cause we all and I ma speaking for myself as wee have some skeletons in our closets and dirt on our front porch. When families can get mad at each other and not speak to each other or forbid certain family members to come around but yet we get up in church and testify thast we love the Lord something is badly wrong. When we sit around and talk about others but we let our daughters dress like Fluzzys when we arent at home how can we talk about anyone else. God is not pleased with this. When we try to run certain families off from the church that have been apart of the church for 85 years or more something is badly wrong. Doesnt the bible say to come together in one mind and one accord.If we want our churches to grow we need to shut our mouths and work together to win souls for the Lord not drive them away. that is all I have to say .
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 20:15:38 +0000

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