But no bank manager give a loan of 27 million Naira without a - TopicsExpress


But no bank manager give a loan of 27 million Naira without a collateral. That is the fickle and lying side of Muhammadu Buhari. Buhari: In Case of A National Darkness (1) opele delphi So he learnt to change the shape of the message, according to the audience.. That was why he told the delegates in Lagos that he had no money to give them for votes. He had money, but it was not in his pocket. It was in the merchant’s pocket and it was well spent for the General. Just as he feebly lamented the cost of the form, which he co-approved. He needed to continue with the poor-man’s theme, but no bank manager give a loan of 27 million Naira without a collateral. That is the fickle and lying side of Muhammadu Buhari. At least, he is capable of lying.Now, if Buhari were to be telling all these lies and more, in the mode of Jihad, the holy book and the Hadith accommodate him. He is justified to lie his way from the position of weakness to the point of strength, when he now holds the sword to the throats of his foes! Is he on a jihad? On Wednesday, December 24, 2014 5:23 AM, topcrest topcrest topcrestt@yahoo [NaijaObserver] wrote:   ....I do not see a Buhari victory. This is just to contemplate the worse case scenario. Buhari is in the APC vehicle for a different destination from the powers propelling him. The power on the other hand are heading for a different direction from Buhari. All this would manifest in due course. Buhari wants power, vengeance and the spread of Islam. He wants a lot of the desires of Shekau’s heart.The powers propelling him want power for ridges of cash. They want money. Simple......No be me write am o! We are in for an interesting 2 months Joe nigeriapulse/buhari-in-case-of-a-national-darkness-1-opele-delphi/ A man needs not walk a day’s journey before he jams misfortune. It is usually a matter of a single step. People who wait for the heavy, crashing sound of life as it falls off their hands, are mistaken. Aye fi n bo lowo eni, a kii gbo gbi i re.Quite a few Nigerians are waiting for Muhammadu Buhari to come fulfill certain utopian expectations. Many of these expectant Nigerians are not familiar with Godot. So, they actually see something coming. They wait for the crab to wink. Many would grow old at the river bank.The Americans perfected the craft of criminal profiling. They take a look at a particular crime scene. They begin to tell you what manner of man or woman committed the crime. The age bracket, the gender, taste, sometimes height and style of life. They tell the class such suspect belonged to. It is scientific witchcraft. It almost always turned out as they profiled. That is how far gone, vanished from our vision another society is.Their forensic analysis has such awesome capabilities, criminals themselves know it was only a matter of time. In our case, the police have no use for forensics, criminal database, etc., but we build houses for images of these realities. Images work for us just as much as reality works for serious countries.Buhari is an image created by a power-clique as represented by the Babangida coup plotters. They had a vision which did not include Buhari, but they needed to set him up first and then dislodge him by permanent deactivation. It was a very smooth operation. Since then, Buhari had recreated himself, but his twice altered genesis only found worship in parts of the north. He however, wanted the whole town.Who really is this man, who could, by a tragic stroke of national misfortune, become president. Such calamity has some probability. Who is Muhammadu Buhari, without the frills?As he prepared for the 2003 election, Buhari told a large crowd in Zamfara at the 16th National Quranic Recitation Competition, that he had a strong mission to restore Islamic life to its pre-1903 existence. The way things were before the intrusion of the British! This is not unrecorded. He warned muslim faithfuls to avoid voting for any candidate who could not propagate their faith and defend it. Of course, he was referring to Olusegun Obasanjo.The report by This Day Newspaper of 21January ,2002;read in part: “As the year 2003 elections draw closer, former Head of State, General Muhammadu Buhari (rtd) has called on Muslims across the country to vote only for the presidential candidate that would defend and uphold the tenets of Islam.Buhari who made the call yesterday at the closing ceremony of the 16th National Qur’anic Recitation competition held in Gusau, Zamfara State told Muslims that they have every reason to thank Allah for restoring the Islamic Sharia under the present dispensation, which he said was destroyed by British colonialists during their crusade in 1903 against the Sokoto caliphate.The former president therefore advised Muslims not to vote for any candidate that would not protect the interest of their religion. “I wish Muslims of Nigeria will cooperate, unite and sustain themselves under one ambrella. Because of what we are facing election, this year and next year, this is the best time to repeat what I said in Sokoto,” Buhari stated.“Since the colonialists over threw our Islamic way of life in 1903 and 1904, our lifestyle was changed, and we forget our religion and our good culture,” he maintained.He explained that this was the only way they could guarantee the spread of Islam which is a religion of peace and harmony.Apparently referring to the THISDAY (April 2001) report, Buhari said he was quoted to have urged Muslims to vote for a Muslim only; a story which he said attempted to create confusion in the country.Buhari insisted that what he told his Sokoto audience was that they should not compromise the tenets of their religion in the process of electing leaders.”Think about that. Pre-1903 Islam. Before the British brought BOOKS and western civilization. In all sincerity, this state of faith, religion and tradition which Buhari longs and pines for, makes Boko Haram look like Sesame Street. But you see, when evil is huge enough, the unwary gears into denial. “How could that be” is their favorite phrase. They do not want to think any living being was capable of such horrendous dimensions of villainy. It usually comes to hunt them.Let us educate ourselves, that Buhari’s true nature and intension retreated into a camouflage the moment he was approached by the merchant of Marina. He needed to be somewhat amorphous in his media moments. The rhetorics which elicited an earthquaking Allaaaahu Akbaaar, in the North, might not draw the same response in the south.So he learnt to change the shape of the message, according to the audience. That was why he told the delegates in Lagos that he had no money to give them for votes. He had money, but it was not in his pocket. It was in the merchant’s pocket and it was well spent for the General. Just as he feebly lamented the cost of the form, which he co-approved. He needed to continue with the poor-man’s theme, but no bank manager give a loan of 27 million Naira without a collateral. That is the fickle and lying side of Muhammadu Buhari. At least, he is capable of lying.Now, if Buhari were to be telling all these lies and more, in the mode of Jihad, the holy book and the Hadith accommodate him. He is justified to lie his way from the position of weakness to the point of strength, when he now holds the sword to the throats of his foes! Is he on a jihad?We must remind ourselves that it is the sacred duty of a moslem to wage a jihad. Now, some moslems believe this Jihad does not necessarily translate to bloodletting. These moslems are described as moderates. The BOOK haters are the ones who take the dictates of the jihad literally. These are the ones who hate secularism, the thin thread which holds Nigeria together. They pine for Islam as it was before the white man’s civilization.Close by on the day of this famous remarks in Sokoto, was Sani Yerima. The governor who butchered his citizens, a piece at a time, according to Islamic law. The one Obasanjo could do nothing about. He was in total accord with Buhari and he said so. I speak about the Yerima who married an Egyptian child and flaunted it. He bought the child! Does it now sound like a joke that the folks in APC are crying over Chibok girls? They are mocking us. Muhammadu Buhari wants an age when it was most natural to marry 10-year-olds. In those days, Obasanjo did not write books on Yerima. It was okay.Nigerians, especially moderate muslims should read up on the rise of Adolf Hitler. The monster was built by the people of Germany. Is there anything in Buhari’s entire history, which is not screaming a dire warning at us today? Sure, the wicked would be slipped by the soil, but vital positives would have been destroyed.The Southwest of this country today, holds the survival of Nigeria as 2015 approaches. We have to resolve to save the country from certain doom under Buhari, at best. A long and tortuous season of attrition and disintegration at worst. None is pleasant in the seven-day stool. Whether it was seven days since my child had been at stool, or it was seven days since my child had last been at stool.It is good to do a crude profiling of Muhammadu Buhari and ask each other some serious questions. What manner of patriot says the monkey and the baboon would be soaked in blood? A former head of state? One who had neither respect nor depth for law or jurisprudence. Do we really think the knowledge and spirit of democracy would sprout in him? And at the same time, he would just forsake his military implants and fundamental islamic ingrain?Did anyone ever hear Buhari say, he would pull Nigeria out of the OIC? Did he ever say Abacha did anything wrong? Did he ever apologize for invading Obafemi Awolowo’s home? Did Buhari explain the reason behind his stoppage of Jakande’s metroline project in Lagos? Could people really imagine what Lagos and the rest of Nigeria would have looked like since then?Every time the Awo political family brought a fantastic idea or structure, the other regions fell over each other to copy. The ridiculous conduit called BRT many are clapping today would have been unthinkable. But for Buhari, this country would have been linked by that grand road system. It would have helped the economy, boosted trade, employed many… This man should tell why he cancelled it. And we still paid in full. There is a zealot fuming in fury, inside of this stealth jihadist.I do not see a Buhari victory. This is just to contemplate the worse case scenario. Buhari is in the APC vehicle for a different destination from the powers propelling him. The power on the other hand are heading for a different direction from Buhari. All this would manifest in due course. Buhari wants power, vengeance and the spread of Islam. He wants a lot of the desires of Shekau’s heart.The powers propelling him want power for ridges of cash. They want money. Simple. But we should also look at the powers. The ones which would sell their father’s house for a morsel. Are they our blood? What do they have faith in? Who are they? Really?I do not know how many times Yoruba Ronu must be played before we get the message, these days that the whole word must be uttered, before a well-bred understood. It was not like that.Just amused by all this. If, better still, when Buhari loses, would he go to the court to seek redress as he allowed us to seek redress when he headed a junta? Or would that be before Sodom was evaporated. Is he now born again and steeped in democracy? __._,_.___ Posted by: topcrest topcrest | Reply via web post | • | Reply to sender | • | Reply to group | • | Start a New Topic | • | Messages in this topic (1) | Visit Your Group - New Members 3 • Privacy • Unsubscribe • Terms of Use .
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 18:26:49 +0000

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