But nothing to do with Islam? Ji­hadi killer known - TopicsExpress


But nothing to do with Islam? Ji­hadi killer known risk Mil­i­tant’s pass­port had been seized Herald Sun, Australia Oct 23, 2014 25 The killer’s car lies in a Que­bec ditch, where he was shot dead by po­lice. Pic­ture: AP THE threat of Is­lamist vi­o­lence has Canada on a ter­ror alert af­ter one of two sol­diers run over by a ji­hadist sus­pect died in hos­pi­tal yes­ter­day. The killer driver was shot dead by po­lice af­ter he crashed his car while flee­ing in Que­bec. Martin Cou­ture-Rouleau, 25, had waited for suit­able tar­gets in a su­per­mar­ket carpark in his home town of Saint-Jean-sur-Riche­lieu, 40km south­east of Mon­treal, for two hours on Tues­day, po­lice said. He de­lib­er­ately aimed his car at the sol­diers, both of whom were rushed to hos­pi­tal. War­rant Of­fi­cer Pa­trice Vin­cent, 53, a 28-year vet­eran of the armed forces, later died. The other sol­dier’s in­juries were not life-threat­en­ing. Cou­ture-Rouleau sped off but then crashed off the road into a ditch, rolling his car. When he got out of the wreck­age, bran­dish­ing a knife, of­fi­cers shot him. Fed­eral agen­cies said yes­ter­day he was “well known” to them, and had had his pass­port seized. He was one of 90 po­ten­tial Is­lamic mil­i­tants be­ing tracked, af­ter be­com­ing “rad­i­calised”. Public Safety Min­is­ter Steven Blaney said the at­tack was “clearly linked to ter­ror­ist ide­ol­ogy”. “I am hor­ri­fied by what took place,” he added. Royal Cana­dian Mounted Po­lice Com­mis­sioner Bob Paul­son said the killer had been iden­ti­fied as some­one who “might com­mit a crim­i­nal act for ter­ror­ist pur­poses”. An RCMP spokes­woman said his fam­ily had be­come con­cerned by re­cent changes in his be­hav­iour, and had reached out for help. Cou­ture-Rouleau was briefly de­tained at a Cana­dian air­port last July when he sought to fly to Turkey, but there was not enough ev­i­dence to charge him with seek­ing to join a ter­ror­ist group abroad. In­stead, he was mon­i­tored along­side 90 other Cana­di­ans de­ter­mined to be pos­si­ble threats to na­tional se­cu­rity. The in­ci­dent is a chill­ing echo of the May 2013 mur­der of Bri­tish sol­dier Lee Rigby in Lon­don.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 01:30:58 +0000

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