But seriously, living in Washington helps see the big picture and - TopicsExpress


But seriously, living in Washington helps see the big picture and follow the money, because every dollar Americans earn stops here briefly and DC takes a bite. This year something different happened. The House of Representatives passed an Agriculture bill without a penny for food stamps. But they also continued big price supports for commodities even though their prices are higher than ever. A big compromise is looming and the global warmers are just making sure they get their bite. It’s show time! Round up the usual suspects. Today’s Washington Post has an article on global warming. Ditto for the New York Times, yesterday. NPR had a segment today with a firefighter saying that global warming is worse than ever and causing forest fires. Never mind that actually temperatures have been going down for the past 15 years. A real inconvenient truth! There are mortgages to pay, tuition bills in private schools and of course Al Gore needs to keep his swimming pool in Tennessee warm for his occasional visit back home. Busy, busy, busy! Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. - YouTube @ youtube/watch?v=YWyCCJ6B2WE
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 19:11:06 +0000

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