But showing weakness in this culture is seen as losing. And so - TopicsExpress


But showing weakness in this culture is seen as losing. And so many professing believers see weakness in the same light. They seek to overwhelm the forces of darkness through organization and legislation and mobilization and the strength of the democratic process. And as they go about attempting to defeat evil within these fallen systems they inevitable take on the character and nature of that which is against Christ. Loudness and name calling and mockery and demeaning monikers and condescension are employed as they press their agenda which they believe to be divine. But in the final analysis, they do not represent the interests of Christ nor His gospel, and they are not emulating His character through their carnal means and ways. Which leads us back to the core question. Just how shall we then live? What should be our speech, our behavior, and our heart? And if the exhortation to us is to put on the Lord Jesus Christ, then just how did He live? The word “weakness” as it is normally understood in the culture significantly misrepresents the word as a negative rather than a virtue. We see weakness as subordinate and strength as superior. But as we understand things through the Spirit we will see that weakness for a believer is great strength because it crucifies self and allows Him to come forth through us. Throughout the New Testament and the teachings of Jesus there are great and wondrous paradoxes. The first shall be last; the servant shall be the master; to die is to live; the least shall be the greatest; and more of these kinds of comparisons which seem completely incongruous with what we have been taught and what we have seen in this fallen culture. Paul acknowledges and even embraces the concept that he is seen as the offscouring of the world, but today men rise up and say “God doesn’t want us to be a doormat”. That may sound reasonable, but when juxtaposed against the life and teachings of Jesus it is a carnal lie. If we are to understand the word “doormat” as being meek and humble and not returning evil for evil, then yes, we are to be a doormat for Christ.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 09:36:53 +0000

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