But the desert moments are the worst and yet neccessary When - TopicsExpress


But the desert moments are the worst and yet neccessary When God intentionally seperates you It doesnt make sense to the natural mind Gawsh, it can get lonely, minidepressing even Truth is Its not always that friends are few when days are dark Sometimes, the season of solitude is needed Its not to say that you have nobody who cares God always cares, so does family, friends, colleagues (some) :) Buht anyway, to get to the point The desert(isolation,loneliness,pain,persecution) is season for preparation/training Jesus spent His 40 days in the desert(temptation, seperation,isolation) Moses and the Israelites spent 40 years in the deset before entering the land of rest(favour,peace,prosperity) Joshua and his army camped in the desert before conquering Jericho ( the great city) David who became one of the greatest leaders and worshippers of all time Spent his days in the desert (Gods protection) fleeing from Saul but also learning and worshipping God (a moment of training before he bacme King) Elijah fled to the desert for fear of Jezebel, however even in the desert the angel of the Lord provided a meal for him (encouragement and empathy). The grace appeared just like the manna did for the Israelites The desert prepares all of us for the next stage/phase of out lives Its an opportunity for reflection, restoration and revival Humility is learnt in this desert, when we are seperated from others....we are reminded that God again is the author of all things, He alone can make you whole The desert? Welcome it After all, the ministry of Jesus took off after the desert( Preparation)
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 14:55:44 +0000

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