But wasnt the Sabbath changed to Sunday at Christs death or - TopicsExpress


But wasnt the Sabbath changed to Sunday at Christs death or resurrection? Answer: No, there is not the remotest hint that the Sabbath was changed at Christs death or resurrection. The Bible teaches just the opposite. Please carefully review the following evidence: A. God blessed the Sabbath. The Lord blessed the sabbath day and hallowed it. Exodus 20:11. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it. Genesis 2:3. B. Christ expected His people to be still keeping the Sabbath in A.D. 70 when Jerusalem was destroyed. Knowing full well that Jerusalem would be destroyed by Rome in A.D. 70, Jesus warned His followers of that time, saying, But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day. Matthew 24:20, emphasis added. Jesus made it clear that He intended for the Sabbath to be kept even 40 years after His resurrection. In fact, there is no intimation anywhere in the Scriptures that Jesus, His Father, or the apostles ever (at any time, under any circumstances) changed the holy seventh-day Sabbath to any other day. C. The women who came to anoint Christs dead body kept the Sabbath. Jesus died on the day before the sabbath (Mark 15:37, 42), which is now called Good Friday. The women prepared spices and ointments to anoint His body, then rested the sabbath day according to the commandment. Luke 23:56. Only when the sabbath was past (Mark 16:1) did the women come the first day of the week (Mark 16:2) to continue their sad work. They found Jesus was risen early the first day of the week (verse 9), commonly called Easter Sunday. Please note that the Sabbath according to the commandment was the day preceding Easter Sunday, which we now call Saturday. D. Christs follower, Luke, wrote two books of the Bible, Luke and Acts. He says that in the book of Luke he wrote about all of Jesus teachings (Acts 1:1-3). But he never wrote about Sunday-keeping or a change of the Sabbath.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 23:15:54 +0000

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