By Alexis and Michael You call this heartbreak AOL? I call it - TopicsExpress


By Alexis and Michael You call this heartbreak AOL? I call it deceitful and manipulative. Its hard--no, impossible really--to feel sorry for people dramatizing their grief for the cameras--when they have entirely, and deliberately, brought this on themselves in their over-riding desire to annihilate another people. This desire is so all-consuming that they are more than willing to sacrifice their own children just for the PR advantage this gives their cause in the eyes of a credulous world. Genuine grief does not make a dramatic display of itself for the cameras. People capable of genuine grief dont shout in jubilation, shoot in the air, and pass out candies when they hear of someone elses children murdered. Spare me the leftist pieties and crocodile tears, shed so willingly for the perpetrators, and absent when it comes to the actual victims, the Jewish Israelis. When you say a culture is decadent, is when tears and grief become a lucrative business. When the feelings become an artificial show for the consummation of a corrupted media. A media of an upside down world where the aggressor become the aggressed and the aggressed become the aggressor.... A world of absurdity and travesty.. My heart goes to Israel..The real victim of an hypocrite world, a world of absurdity and travesty..A world ruled by useful idiots, evil enablers and double standard... I stand proudly with Israel, with the jewish people, Because i come to understand the real meaning of the word Good and the word Evil.... i hold their hands and say loudly very loudly : If God is with us who can be against us !!
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 02:32:08 +0000

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