By Allah, I tell you its just things, it might make us appear - TopicsExpress


By Allah, I tell you its just things, it might make us appear pretty, in fashion or make a nice gesture as a gift, but in the end its only things. How will these things benefit us in the hereafter, how will it bring light into our kabr, will these things testify on our behalf and say, she wore me and looked beautiful and made others desire having it. Sure no harm in looking good, dressing nice, driving a nice car, its our blessings on the dunyah alhamdulilaah. However how do we use these blessings to our eternal advantage, to attain Allah swts pleasure? Not for ego, vanity or pride, but in a manner which will benefit us endlessly. Do good, speak good of others or be quiet, when we do or give anything, be sincere in intention, do it for the pleasure of Allah swt. Not for praise, or to be held in high regard. Sounds cliche hey, but honestly do we want to risk our aakhierah for a good skinder or for ill feelings, thoughts, words, fights etc. Think about it, its not lastingly beneficial to our aakhirah or conducive to our teachings and the sunnah? Really sounds pretty insignificant now, but a change of perspective, a tone down in love for things, controlling our nafs, a controlled moment in anger, sharing good advise, accepting good advise, erm... Perhaps just be kind to someone, be a shoulder to cry on, a friend, a sister, a brother, a good neighbor. Familiarity breeds habit so lets familiarize ourselves with doing things that is beneficial to our aakhirah and it will become second nature, a way of life in shaa Allah. Lets not mistake our blessings to be our power or our tool to superiority, for certainly all of us at some point will be weak, ill and shall die too. May we be rightly guided Ameen And Allah swt knows best By Shihaam Naidoo Diaries of a Striving Believer For esaale sawaab of Sharifa Naidoo Bhabha (04.08.42 - 31.03.14)
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 21:07:28 +0000

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