By Apostle George on Tuesday, January 7, 2014 at 8:39am 2014 - TopicsExpress


By Apostle George on Tuesday, January 7, 2014 at 8:39am 2014 Compass: Context, Content, Priorities (7) Let us remember the anchor scripture for our 2014 Compass: Luke 19:11-13 (KJV) 11 And as they heard these things, he added and spake a parable, because he was nigh to Jerusalem, and because they thought that the kingdom of God should immediately appear.12 He said therefore, A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return.13 And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come. King Yeshua, Jesus gave us the command to occupy within a clear context: we are to do and keep doing what He said until the Day He returns to take account of our service on this side of eternity! In His economy, no saint should ever live and labor as if this world was all that there is to the eternal life we have in Him! For ministers and ministries to withhold teachings on the end of the age or the return of King Yeshua is to commit High Treason against the King! To take away consciousness of the reality that the King would soon return is to leave the sheep vulnerable and open to wolves of false doctrine whose god is their belly. No less a person than the King warned clearly that the date of His return would be unknown to any human. That warning pulls the rug off those who have deceived themselves with date setting and many who hear them: Matthew 24: 36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. Unfortunately, many have also used that scripture to excuse themselves and those who hear them from showing interest in the end times. What King Yeshua warned against is the tendency for saints to star gaze and make wild projections. But He clearly wanted His Church to see and know the times of the end through what they could observe by watching and praying diligently. Many parables, including that of the Virgins (Matthew 25:1-13) were given to illustrate the kind of life which would make us unmoveable as His saints. Our core anchor scripture, Luke 19:13 is very clear that whatever we do on this side of eternity must be within the context that our King will return to require account! Luke 19:13. An unfolding Prophecy In the year 2006 two related incidents happened in Israel. The first was that on January 6, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon suffered a massive stroke. He has been bed ridden ever since. That same year 108 year old Rabbi Kaduri who was well respected for his piety and had experienced a memorable encounter with Yeshua, Jesus passed on late September. Please note that for nearly 2000 years, Judaism rested on a central plank: that the Messiah had not yet come and therefore humans tried to please Yahweh by trying to obey the Torah without His grace. Romans Chapter 10 describes this condition with clarity as well as the remedy. Yeshua apprehended Rabbi Kaduri, revealed Himself and His holy name Yehoshua Ha Moshiach (Jesus the Messiah) to the sage and told him something very prophetic: the death of Ariel Sharon who was bed ridden would be the last sign that His coming was at hand! Rabbi Kaduri sealed the message on his death that and decreed that the note should be opened only a year after his death. When the note was opened, the religious establishment was shaken to its core. While we, as the Church are not to embrace as gospel truth every word spoken by mortal men, the circumstances of Rabbi Yitzak Kaduri recommends itself to further reflection and prayer because they fit into the Prophetic time line of the end times. Take note that on January 1, 2014, three days to his 86th birthday, the condition of Ariel Sharon deteriorated and it is speculated he may die at any moment. What if Ariel Sharon, the Bull dozer of Israel who iron fisted response to all threats to its security was to die this year? What does the passage of the man who surprised even his most ardent critics with the pull out of Israel from the Gaza strip mean for Israel? Time only can tell what Yahweh has decreed will happen. Let us also not forget that imminence means different things to we mortals and to Yahweh our Father. The return of Yeshua may well be many years away but the message He gave to Prophet Kaduri may well signify something urgent in the atmosphere! Based on what the Holy Scriptures stated clearly which we see coming to pass in the corporate life of Israel and Jews world-wide, we need to guard against tendencies to wave off the Rabbi Kaduri/Ariel Sharon Prophecy.. With the last Parliamentary elections, the degree of disunity within the ruling coalition in Israel and the citizenry generally; the rejection of the Torah as guiding light of Israel in form of a growing secularization movement offers an interesting topic for further analysis. Externally, Israel has lost the cast iron support it once enjoyed from Europe and America. The emergent European Union and the new America represent a new reality: friends who have vested interests in the region that outweigh what Israel offers. The United Nations looks at Israel with the eyes of secular humanism (it cannot understand Biblical language or invocation of the promises Yahweh made to Abraham and his descendants! In this regard, there is a growing sentiment to brand Israel an apartheid state by the gentiles in charge of the UN. In the face of these, four great threats to the security of Israel continue to grow, not abate: Iran seems to move closer to its ambition to become a nuclear power. Because of the rhetoric of its leaders, especially former President Ahmedenijad, Israel sees nuclear Iran as a mortal threat. Hezbollah has virtually taken over the governance of Lebanon. As a client of Iran, Israel views Hezbollah as another existential threat. Hamas has in Gaza, the capability of making Israel a less than secure nation. To worsen all these, the media and citizenry of Western nations have began to view Israel with great suspicion and distaste. This is now morphing into the BDS movement (Boycott; Divest and Sanction). These have set in motion a softening of the strong resolve of some hawks who want Israel to maintain the status quo. The reality is that the environment is perfectly ripe for ‘realists’ to make a case for peace at all costs. As we speak, US Secretary of State John Kerry is working feverishly with negotiators from Israel, the Palestinian Authority, leaders of Saudi Arabia and the Arab League to actualise a peace treaty between Israel and the Palestinians. This will be a historic breakthrough of epic proportions, if realised. It will be celebrated world-wide as triumph of diplomacy over war. But could this also be the manifestation of this prophetic scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:2-4 (KJV)2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. -to be continued! Global School of Ministry has a range of resources which can equip you with cutting edge revelation to jump start your spiritual assignments which have been dormant. Send requests to apostlegsom@gmail requesting for your own copies. You can also visit the website at to download whatever you need!
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 08:47:59 +0000

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