By Azi Paybarah in New York, Jimmy Vielkind in Albany, and Mike - TopicsExpress


By Azi Paybarah in New York, Jimmy Vielkind in Albany, and Mike Allen in D.C., with Daniel Lippman THE STORM -- Capital’s David Giambusso: Mayor De Blasio and his emergency response team briefed reporters Sunday on what they said could be the worst blizzard in city history. We expect easily two feet even the potential of pressing on toward three feet of snow, De Blasio said from Sanitation Garage #2, flanked by sanitation commissioner Kathryn Garcia, transportation commissioner Polly Trottenberg, and Office of Emergency Management commissioner Joseph Esposito. The snow is expected to begin late this morning and will grow in intensity throughout the day and into Tuesday, with wind gusts reaching between 35 and 60 miles per hour. City officials urged people to avoid the roads Monday especially during the evening rush hour commute. -- amNY’s Dan Rivoli and Sheila Anne Feeney: “The National Weather Service is expecting between 20 and 30 inches of snow, 30 and 40 mph wind speeds and gusts blowing up to 65 mph. Snow flurries will start Monday morning and accumulate in the afternoon, making a mess of the evening rush hour commute home.” --WEATHER has a blizzard warning for NYC from 1 p.m. today through 12 a.m. Wed., with forecast 1-3 inches of snow today, 8-12 inches tonight and 3-5 inches tomorrow. --THE TABS: Post wood, “NOR’ BEASTER: 30-inch snow monster aims for NYC” ... Daily News cover tease, “CITY BRACES FOR HISTORIC BLIZZARD.” --200 FLIGHTS already canceled today out of NYC airports, per AP. --Times’ Colin Moynihan: “Officials described the storm as gathering force and said that it could topple power lines and disrupt transportation. On Sunday evening, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said in a statement that the storm could close the New York State Thruway and the Long Island Expressway, and that train service on Metro-North, PATH and Long Island Rail Road lines could be halted before Monday’s evening commute. While saying that he was confident that city agencies would be ready to handle the storm, Mr. de Blasio emphasized the potentially hazardous nature of the snowfall and repeatedly warned those living in New York City not to underestimate it, saying: ‘Whatever safety precautions you take in advance of a storm take even more, be even more cautious.’ He added: ‘Expect a lot of challenges and delays.’” CUOMO’S DILEMMA—Salon’s Blake Zeff for Capital: If Cuomo does his usual thing, condemning the speakers behavior and using it to talk about how badly he wants good government, he will be admitting that the investigatory work he shut down was important, and that his decision to disband it was premature (and potentially helped shield a crime). What’s more, given that Cuomo is being investigated by the same prosecutor now looking to put Silver in prison, the governor will not want to give the speaker any additional incentive to provide information about others. Its a real political dilemma. Cuomo cant remain silent on Silver, who the governor was touting in a budget address just a day before the arrest as his partner in government. Hed be abandoning his public role as a reformer, risking his credibility on an issue that is vital to his carefully crafted brand. But Cuomo cant really talk convincingly—or even coherently—about Silvers alleged misbehavior at this point, either. -- “Cuomo’s Dominoes: Why the New York governor should be worried about the assembly speaker’s legal troubles,” by Jeff Smith -- a former Missouri state senator who spent 2010 in prison after pleading guilty to charges stemming from a campaign finance violation, and now an urban policy professor at The New School -- in Politico Magazine: “If Silver provides new details about Cuomo’s role in the negotiations that led to the commission’s demise, especially if the speaker reveals that Cuomo or his top negotiators were aware of the criminality underlying Silver’s desire to kill the commission, Cuomo’s vulnerability to an obstruction of justice charge increases. And Silver will be under unrelenting pressure to talk: pressure from the feds, pressure from his family and, of course, pressure rooted in any 70-year-old’s desire not to die in prison.” TODAY’S NEWS COVER EDITORIAL – “THE NEWS SAYS: WE’VE HAD ENOUGH! Finally, disgraced Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver is stepping aside. Now it’s time to clean up Albany once and for all.” D-DAY FOR SHELDON SILVER—Capital’s Jimmy Vielkind and Josefa Velasquez: After two decades as speaker, Silver will shuffle the fifty yards from his private office to the State Assembly Democrats conference to cede power rather than wield it. The chambers 106 Democrats will huddle privately this afternoon—five days after federal prosecutors accused Silver of trading official favors for $6 million in “kickbacks” disguised as legal fees—to consider a temporary arrangement where Silver would delegate authority to five of the chambers senior members. Associates had said before Sunday night that Silver, who pleaded not guilty and predicted he will be “vindicated,” has no intention of stepping aside. While several members were known to covet his post, a combination of inertia, infighting and a fear of inexperience were buoying his ability to stay. But despite a hastily arranged proclamation of solidarity and the immediate lack of a clear successor, a growing number of Democrats were growing restive about Silvers continued leadership. “This is not unlike the sudden death of a close relative. Thursday was the shock, and no one knew what was going on. On Friday, they started hearing from people,” said a Democratic strategist with close ties to the Assembly. “Theres a core bloc of people who will be with him until they lead him out in handcuffs—theyll be re-elected without a problem. The rest of them cant wave the innocent until proven guilty flag forever. Once the avalanche starts, theres no getting out of its way.” --“Beware the wounded Assembly speaker,” by Time Warner Cable News’ Liz Benjamin: WHAT IT MEANS—Tom Precious in the Buffalo News: “There is no doubt the Cuomo administration is happy that Silver’s legal struggles would reduce his budget negotiation influence and make a better chance for passage of some education reforms that the governor outlined the day before the Manhattan Democrat was arrested and accused of kickbacks totaling nearly $4 million over the last 15 years. The Cuomo administration was not commenting on the possible impact of Silver’s legal situation on the budget talks … People whose job it is to work the Albany system say Cuomo could find himself on an uncertain and bumpy path should Silver leave. The two men are hardly best of friends, but Cuomo has relied upon Silver’s abilities to maneuver the fractured Democratic conference. Cuomo is unpopular with many Assembly Democrats. In Silver, he has a proven, though now heavily dented, ally on many pieces of legislation and spending. “Silver always had the ability to tell Cuomo how to make the right moves to take the edge off things to allow compromise,” one Albany insider said.” THE FADING STORM -- De Blasio and police union leader warming up -- Capital’s Sally Goldenberg: “Sergeants Benevolent Association president Ed Mullins met privately with Mayor Bill de Blasio recently and the two have made progress toward ending their bitter public dispute, Mullins told Capital. “The guy was a gentleman,” Mullins said in an interview on Friday. “We had a conversation and things have slowly begun to look differently. And all I can say is we need to give the atmosphere a chance to grow. --Behind the scenes -- News’ Jennifer Fermino: “A deep-pocketed taxi kingpin who raised more than $50,000 for Mayor de Blasio’s campaign brokered the ceasefire between City Hall and the head of the NYPD sergeants union — with an assist from the New York Knicks. Evgeny (Gene) Freidman hosted the mayor and NYPD Sergeants Benevolent Association President Ed Mullins at his ritzy Upper East Side home on Jan. 10, less than a month after the labor leader branded Hizzoner a ‘total nincompoop,’ sources told the Daily News. “Freidman, who is close with both the mayor and Mullins, arranged the meeting between the two foes along with Ronn Torossian, the CEO of the bi-coastal public relations firm 5WPR.” --The Knicks assist: “Luckily, the Knicks game was on and the two — Mullins, a Long Island Republican, and de Blasio, a proud Park Slope progressive — ended up bonding over how terrible the team has been this season, said a source.” EAT BEAT – “21 Of The Best Cheap Eats In New York City,” by BuzzFeed’s Melissa Harrison: “1. A hot slice from Artichoke Basille’s. ... 2. Grilled Mexican corn — with mayo, cotija cheese, chili powder, and lime — from Cafe Habana. ... 3. Dumplings and sesame pancakes at Prosperity Dumpling. ... 4. The fried chicken sandwich at Cheeky Sandwiches. ... 5. The swingle — a mini frozen Key lime pie coated in dark chocolate — at Steve’s Authentic Key Lime Pies. ... 6. The maple bacon cookies at Schmackary’s. ... 7. The al pastor burrito or the carne asada nachos at Taqueria Diana. ... 8. The beef brisket noodle soup at Lam Zhou Handmade Noodle. ... 9. Pierogis and potato pancakes at Veselka. ... 10. Fresh doughnuts at Doughnut Plant. ... “11. The viagra empanada — stuffed with shrimp, scallops, and crab — at Empanada Mama. ... 12. An everything bagel with egg, bacon, cheese, and jalapeno cream cheese at Brooklyn Bagel. ... 13. Pork buns from Momofuku Noodle Bar. ... 14. The mini salted caramel cheesecake at Eileen’s Special Cheesecake. ... 15. Tater tots with cheese sauce and diced jalapeños at Please Don’t Tell. ... 16. The yeti tracks snow cream — which is Oreo cookies and blueberries — at Snowdays Shavery. ... 17. The shackburger at Shake Shack. ... 18. Half chicken, rice, and beans at Casa Adela. ... 19. A classic black & white cookie at Glaser’s Bake Shop. ... 20. Spicy cumin lamb noodles at Xi’an Famous Foods. ... 21. Cannolis and cookies at Veniero’s Pastry Shop.” With lots of pictures: WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOURE MISSING? Tired of bumping into our paywall when you click on exclusive Capital Pro content? Get a no-risk, two-week free trial to Capital Pro by emailing us at subscribe@capitalnewyork. MEDIA DAY -- “Michael Bloomberg Shakes Up Newsroom Side of His Company,” by Times’ Ravi Somaiya on Business Day front: “Some of the changes are small. ... Emails between staff members are marked with the time the employee entered the office, a measure that has been reinstated since Mr. Bloomberg returned and that some suspect is intended to encourage employees to arrive earlier (or to shame them for arriving late). When Mr. Bloomberg, 72, left New York’s City Hall nearly 13 months ago, some expected him to retreat to his philanthropy enterprises and devote himself full time to the social causes he has championed. Instead he has thrown himself into his news operation with vigor. “His forceful assertion of the leadership there has shaken up the newsroom ... breaking old alliances and stalemates and creating uncertainty among employees as they try to carry out new initiatives and policies. Mr. Bloomberg has changed plans, shifted strategies and looked deep into the organization to concern himself with the most minute policies and decisions ... To journalists, working under a man who is used to getting what he wants and whose name is on the building, he feels like a weather system ... high up, uncontrollable and all-powerful. ... Bloomberg has been especially engaged with the revamping of his company’s television offerings, down to the finest details — he personally decided to kill the stock ticker scrolling across the bottom of the screen.” TRANSPO BEAT -- “Work on New Hudson Train Tunnels Chugs Along,” by WSJ’s Andrew Tangel: “[F]or the first time since New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie pulled the plug on a project to build two tunnels in 2010, frustrated riders may have reason to be optimistic. Amtrak plans in coming months to embark on its first tangible step toward digging two new rail tunnels under the Hudson. Railroad officials said they hope to kick off an environmental review by this fall, a federally required prelude to eventual construction of the first Hudson rail tunnel in more than a century. ... Now all Amtrak needs is at least $15 billion—plus cooperation from local, state and federal agencies controlled by politicians with competing interests.” on.wsj/1tfsPKt --“Travelers like plan for rail link to NY’s LaGuardia Airport,” by AP’s Frank Eltman: “Tom Fiore knows what it’s like to sit in a taxi for as long as two agonizing hours, over bridges or through a tunnel, to travel a mere eight miles from midtown Manhattan to LaGuardia Airport in Queens. The salesman who makes that trek about twice a month is among legions of travelers applauding what they see as a long overdue proposal from New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo: build a rail link connecting the city to LaGuardia.” PERSONNEL -- SKDKnickerbocker will announce today the following staff changes in their New York City office: “Audrey Gelman has been promoted to Senior Vice President. Gelman heads our new millennial strategy practice. Eric Phillips, who helped lead Kathleen Rice to victory in the House, has been promoted to Vice President. And weve hired Stephanie Reichin as a Senior Associate. Stephanie joins us from Singer Associates and brings a deep background in infrastructure, sports and crisis management. Prior to working at Singer, Stephanie served as Government and Public Relations Associate for Mazda North American Operations.” REAL ESTATE -- “By Blocking View of the Brooklyn Bridge, a Building Incites a Battle,” by Times’ Lisa W. Foderaro: “To many people, it might not make much difference. Looking toward the Brooklyn Bridge from a point on the Brooklyn Heights Promenade roughly between Clark and Pierrepont Streets, pedestrians used to be able to watch cars flow along the bridge’s roadbed, and see the Chrysler Building behind the bridge’s intricate web of cables. Now, though, the cars disappear behind the top of a new hotel and condominium complex rising in Brooklyn Bridge Park, and the Chrysler Building’s Art Deco spire is nearly hidden altogether. Minor differences, perhaps, but for those who were intimately familiar with the view, the complex is nothing less than a blight.” --Billionaire wants landmarks committee to approve mega-mansion plan, by Posts Jennifer Gould Keil: “Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich is asking the city’s landmarks preservation committee to approve his plan to build a mega mansion on East 75th St., the Post has learned. A large townhouse will have less density, a source said, adding that the commission should be pleased with the project. Last week, the Post unmasked Abramovich as the secret buyer of a massive real estate coup d’état that involved the super stealth purchase of three townhouses at 11, 13 and 15 East 75th.” --“New York’s new rentals: smaller apartments, more perks,” by Times’ Michelle Higgins, Sunday Real Estate cover: “Developers of large rental buildings have stuck to a formula over the past several years: Keep apartments small; go big on amenities. Now, with a surge of rentals coming to market, some developers are pushing this formula to the max, tweaking apartment sizes and piling on the perks.” --“Council bill would prohibit tenant ‘blacklists,’” by Capitals Kelly Weill: “A new City Council bill would ban landlords from using so-called ‘blacklists’ to refuse to rent to tenants who have appeared in housing court. Landlords currently use the lists, which contain hundreds of thousands of names, to bar tenants, regardless of why the tenants appeared in housing court. The new bill, introduced Thursday and sponsored by City Council members Ben Kallos, Rory Lancman, Alan Maisel, and Mark Levine, would allow tenants to file blacklist-related discrimination complaints with the New York City Commission on Human Rights… Housing Court records are officially anonymous, following 2012 anti tenant-blacklist legislation that scrubbed tenants’ names and addresses from court documents. But large companies like California’s CoreLogic and Chicago’s TransUnion can still pay a $350 weekly fee for court data.” [PRO] COFFEE BREAK -- “Coyote caught in Manhattan,” by Post’s G. N. Miller and Sophia Rosenbaum: “It’s getting wild out there — this coyote was found roaming the East Village Sunday.Cops took down the wily canine with a tranquilizer dart at about 7 a.m. in Stuyvesant Town, after spotting it stalking the streets near the Con Ed plant at the end of East 14th Street.” #UpstateAmerica: “More than 5,300 people who bought cars from the Fuccillo Automotive Group will get a not-so-huge $160 payment under a class-action lawsuit settlement.” GOT SOMETHING TO SAY? We’re happy to listen...and so are our influential readers! Email us at advertising@capitalnewyork and well clue you in on messaging options in our newsletters, on CapitalNewYork, and in the pages of CAPITAL, our monthly print magazine. We’ll craft a program tailored to your voice. ================================= capitalnewyork/p
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 15:58:59 +0000

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