~By Bankeys.... I HAD A CONVERSATION WITH A MAD-MAN - TopicsExpress


~By Bankeys.... I HAD A CONVERSATION WITH A MAD-MAN RECENTLY...... ......afta d chat wit him, my views abt mad-men were changed ! #1. He told me dat he iz nt MAD! dat he actually left d society wen he culd no longa contain d insanity of man anymore ! Dat ryt nw he iz happy wit his solitary lyf on Refuse dumps along side his peaceful coleagues (other mad guyses) #2. He pointed out a lot of crazy tins men in our acclaimed Normal Society do dat he whom iz ragarded as a Mad-Guy wont do, 4 example, pple claim dat sagging or low-waist iz an indecent dressing, bt fashion designers wuld in-print Manchester badges on male boxers n beautiful flowers on female pants how can d wearer show-case d decorations on dos under-wears if not by wearin low-waist? He also stressed dat if we re sensible enof nt 2 permit sagging in our society, we shuld 1st of all deal wit d clothes manufacturers 2 stop putin designs on unda-wears n purposely make it look ugly ! #3. I told him dat am troubled abt un-employment in d country, bt he accused d employers of labour as d cause, dat if u see a job advertisement on newspaper, dey wil require a minimum of 10-15yrs of experience, iz dat nt madness? If sumbody iz already workin for ova 10yrs, why do u tink he shuld leave his organisation n join u n become a new staff? Oh! Becoz ur organisation iz better abi? If urs iz better, den why re u lookin 4 yrs of experience from a lesser organisation?........he said wen he (as a mad-guy) imagine d madness in our society, he weeps bitterly 4 us! #4. Wen I told him dat studnts re stil @ home becoz FG did nt ve d kind of money ASUU iz requestin, he jus laughed! He asked me dat who iz d owner of CENTRAL BANK, I said FG of course, he said good! cant d FG go in2 d Currency Production Room, print n mint enof money as posibu n com n pay ASUU once n 4 all? #5. Wen I urge him 2 com bak 2 d normal society, he said dat wil b ova his dead body! He den pointed 2 me anoda MAD-GUY who ws sittin @ d oda end of d Refuse-dump, he said dat man has being a close nebor 2 him 4 ova 4yrs now, yet dey ve neva greeted each oda, dat rest of d world wil becom a beta place if we all learn 2 mind our businesses ! #6. Bt wen I asked him wot does it take 2 becom one of dem, he said, Benkeys ! its very simple, dat wen eva I c up to 5 boys headin 1 direction in2 d bush in Zamfara Hostel, I shuld jus hurriedly join dem take wot eva dey re taking ! .........but, wot culd dat be?
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 07:14:40 +0000

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