~ By Barry Secrest While thousands of US Vets are being denied - TopicsExpress


~ By Barry Secrest While thousands of US Vets are being denied care and dying, the Obama administration apparently felt that being imprisoned in a US military facility might be cruel and unusual punishment,for a transgender traitor-- especially since Manning continues to struggle with his manhood. Manning, now known as Chelsea, is the infamous Army Private who downloaded reams of damaging Top Secret intelligence information from the Army database upon which he worked, and sent it to Wikileaks. Meanwhile, a damaging scandal is unfolding across America, regarding denial of life-saving medical services by Veterans Hospitals, to thousands of US Veterans in need of urgent medical care. Many have even died, as a result of both misinformation tactics and secret lists kept sick Veterans from being treated. According to CNN, At least 40 U.S. veterans died waiting for appointments at the Phoenix Veterans Affairs Health Care system. Many of whom were placed on a secret waiting list. The secret list was part of an elaborate scheme designed by Veterans Affairs managers in Phoenix who were trying to hide that 1,400 to 1,600 sick veterans were forced to wait months to see a doctor, according to a recently retired top VA doctor and several high-level sources. According to Fox news, the scandal appears to be widening: Its time President Obama personally answer for the horrific conditions and abuses occurring at our veterans facilities, House GOP Leader Eric Cantor said in a statement, after VA Secretary Eric Shinseki testified Thursday before a Senate committee. Lawmakers at that hearing were visibly frustrated over the state of the VA, and the succession of reports that VA workers may have manipulated records to make it seem like veterans were being treated in a timely fashion, when they were not. Further, they voiced concerns that the department is waiting for the results of investigations that may not conclude for weeks, or even months. Meanwhile, top officials are beginning to resign, as Americans are discovering that the scandal isnt limited to only the Pheonix Center. According to Hotair, a seventh illegal waiting list has been found....~(To continue reading click below title)
Posted on: Sat, 17 May 2014 21:58:49 +0000

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