By Chanda Chashi ~ UPND Has No Standards.~ Having priciplesand - TopicsExpress


By Chanda Chashi ~ UPND Has No Standards.~ Having priciplesand settingstandards inlife is very important. Unfortunately,ourfriendsin UPND lack such. 1. When Dora Siliya was busyattacking Sataand PF,she was very wisein theeyesof UPND and ZambianWatchdog. They used to callher Iron Lady. Is Dora still an Iron Lady today? 2. When GBM resigned from PF last year,UPND supportersused to praisehim and call him A man of principles. ZambianWatchdog started coveringhim in their crap newsand defendedhim. WhenGBM reconciled withPF few months ago,the same ZWD started callinghim a corrupt tribalist without morals. Last month when theinfightingbeganin PF, suddenlyGBM again becamea darling to ZWD and UPND shallow mindedsupporterslike Royd Moonga who started circulatinga photoof HH and GBM in Kasama sitting together. This photowent viralamongUPND desperate Saddists. They were verysureGBM would join UPND. On the otherhand,their leader HHmadea Breaking Newson hispage that GBM has endorsedme. Today GBM is back in PF once againleavingthe OPPORTUNISTS swallowingsaliva to sooththeir dry throats. 3. Miles Sampawho was a murder suspect,womaniser andcrooksuddenlybecame a saint on Zambian Watchdogsincelast month. WhenSampathreatened to leavePF and endorse HH,he immediately becameholy at ZWD and in UPND camp. Every UPND carder started talkinggood thingsabout Sampa. Alas!!! today MilesSampais backin PF and campaigningfor EL in Itezhi Tezhi. Sampais denouncing UPND. He is withItezhi Tezhi UPND MP Greyford Monde who has joinedPF and dumpedthe tribalparty. Now.......letus seeif the sameMiles Sampais still a saint at ZWD. This just showsthat UPND is a desperate partywith no morals andprinciples. UPND has no standardstoo. It is a worstoppositionparty in the historyof Zambia with no vision. ~PF DoubleTobela.~, Dora Siliya will nevergo backto MMD. This is how shehas enteredPF. Rememberearly last year shesecretly wentto State Houseand reconciled with Sata. Since then,Dora Siliya has nevertalked bad words aboutPF and Sata And just3 months ago,Doracame on media and said, Cadres from PF are celebratingthat i havejoined PF.Im just letting u knowthat im stillMMD,i have notdecided yet. Now yesterday sheendorsed ELand claimedPF mustcontinuecoz of blahblah and nsonso...... Nigga,dont u get thevibe? Dont u smell something? Anyway,efyo Bokosi yaingile muBWATO nififine. Meanwhile,we shallseeif Dora will still remain an Iron Lady in the eyesof UPND cadresand ZWD. You are indeeda group of Saddistsand opportunists. UPND u have no moralsor starndards. Seehow ulook now??? Looking stupid andfoolishhahahahahahahah ahahaha...................... Born And Bred In Opposition. NAPWISHA.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 17:36:39 +0000

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