By Christine Hassler I find our relationship to change - TopicsExpress


By Christine Hassler I find our relationship to change fascinating. As much as we want different, new and better, fear of the unknown keeps us in our well-known comfort zone. I’ve taken many risks in my life: moving to LA without a job, leaving a successful career and marriage when I had no idea what was on the other side, starting my own business, traveling abroad alone and so on; but there are still little, and often amusing, ways I hover in familiar territory. For example, I just updated my iPhone to the new operating system that’s been out for months. Why did I wait so long? Because I was hesitant about changing what I had grown accustomed to. I knew the old system and was not sure I would like the new one as much or fully know how to use it. Plus once I updated I knew there was no going back. The choice felt so permanent. But now that I’ve been using the new O.S. and see that it is so much better, I found myself wondering what the heck was I waiting for? Allow this to be a metaphor for you today and ask yourself: How is fear of the unknown keeping you in comfort zones when you are WAY OVERDUE FOR AN UPGRADE?! If anxiety about some unknown future situation is keeping you stuck in a present that is comfortable but not satisfying, fulfilling, or inspiring, I have a solution for you. The following technique will rewire your brain and dramatically reduce, and possibly eliminate, your anxiety: Bring the change you want to make to mind. Allow yourself to think the thoughts and feel the feelings that naturally arise. Now think about the most ideal way you’d like this change to play out. Really visualize it. See the most ideal of circumstances happening. Amp up your visualization. Make the colors brighter, the sounds louder, the images bigger. Once you have a really good visualization going, project yourself 15 minutes further into the future beyond the moment you just visualized. Now that you are even further in the future, see yourself looking back on the change with confidence, relief, gratitude and pride. Notice your anxiety is gone. Use this visualization technique whenever fears of change creep in or when you are anxious about some event in the future. Although change is a necessary part of life, not everything needs to be changed – especially you!! You are perfect just as you are. (Click to tweet) Yes, focus on growing and upgrading your life, but not from the perspective that there is anything wrong with you. Some things are better left as they are because they are just classic, like my boom box that I proudly show off in my vlog. We all have our little ways that we hang on to the creature comforts that make us happy. And my boom box makes me very happy. Id love to hear what you are cool to hang on to and what you are ready to upgrade to so be sure to leave your comments on the blog. thedailylove/how-to-get-over-your-fear-of-change/
Posted on: Tue, 20 May 2014 20:31:20 +0000

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