By Cindy Trimm who isnow on The Word Network on Sundays at 8am! - TopicsExpress


By Cindy Trimm who isnow on The Word Network on Sundays at 8am! Our highest privilege as children of God is to approach the Throne Room of Heaven to intercede on behalf of this world—to pray for His will to be done. Intercessory prayer is every Christian’s call of duty. I firmly believe God is raising up a generation of intercessors who will stand in the gap for their families, their communities, and those in need across the globe. Entering into true, effective intercession is much more than adding a list of names to the end of your prayers. It’s not enough to simply pray, “God bless Mom, and Dad, and Uncle Lou." Intercessory prayer that impacts the world will require you to bring the best of yourself to Heaven’s throne. Nothing can get you better aligned with the purposes and heartbeat of God like a dedicated time of daily prayer. By making it a regular part of your life, you will find that prayer has a transforming effect; not only on the situations and circumstances you bring to God, but also within you. As you come into a deeper understanding of God’s will and calling for your life, your life will come into alignment. You’ll begin to tap into the authentic you that God has designed you to be! And that’s when divine power and favor is released into your life—favor for promotion, advancement, fulfillment, success, and prosperity! By continually coming into a time of prayer with your Heavenly Father, you’ll be transformed by the presence of God into the best you possible! But intercession isn’t only about you! The heart of intercession is standing in the gap for those who are suffering in this world. It takes a single-minded determination to contend for the will of God to be done and not give up until you see Heaven manifest within the earth realm. To be effective, you must be fully committed. Half-hearted intercession isn’t intercession. It is when you bring the best of yourself, all of yourself, that you become what the Apostle Paul called in Romans 12:1, a “living sacrifice.” When you pour yourself into praying for your friends, family, co-workers, church, and community, you are offering the best of you for the benefit of all. You are laying aside your thoughts and desires for the greater good. Jesus told us that this is the highest form of love. “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:13).
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 10:12:52 +0000

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