By Collie Gregory Marcellus Mckenzie!!! This is just a quick - TopicsExpress


By Collie Gregory Marcellus Mckenzie!!! This is just a quick little reminder of the new book thats coming out soon. They had a slight little delay but its back on schedule. This book will be out in October 15, 2014. It going to be available in all Christian bookstores & online at Barnes & Noble and also on Amazon. You can also find it at a variety of different online bookstores. It Begins with a man humbles beginnings, then he rises & fall and then rise again, this gives him a different outlook on life. Welcome to the most incredible story you have ever heard. This story is based on the man who was once rich then becomes poor and homeless, then decided to surrender his life to God because nothing seems to be going right. Sit back ,relax, and enjoy the read of your life, prepared to be blessed! A Time to Be Rich Volume 1 By Collie Mckenzie Mark 8:36-37 (KJV) For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Copyright © 2014 by Collie Mckenzie Printed in the United States of America ISBN 18834...........378.....248 All rights reserved solely by the author. The author guarantees all contents are original and do not infringe upon the legal rights of any other person or work. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author. Collie Mckenzie is originally from Guyana. When Collie first came to the United States of America, his first job was at the ten and ninety-nine cents stores. He soon got his second job in the real estate business, where he worked for eighteen months. In need of a better job that would provide him with a better income, Collie returned to school pursuing his lifetime goal for an upward climb. His main areas of study were in those of social studies, mathematics, and the English language. He worked for two years as a security guard at Kennedy Airport in New York. The support and encouragement of family members who at the time lived in Brooklyn, New York, paved a way for his being a part-time employee at a fashion show in Manhattan. He wanted to stay there, but because of a continual shortening of his working hours, which decreased his income, he had to move on. Undaunted, he applied for a job at a White Castle restaurant flipping burgers, and also worked at Church’s Chicken, where he worked the cash register for a brief time. He remained there for eighteen months. He left Queens, New York, and moved to Marlboro, Maryland. Here in Maryland he applied for and received a job at an apartment complex, where he became a Maintenance Engineer. It was at this point Collie really began his upward climb. Collie is also an accomplished published author, taking the words the Lord gives him and putting them in book format so others may be blessed. Introduction Welcome to the most incredible story you have ever heard, because this story is based on a man who was once rich, becomes homeless, and then surrenders his life to God because nothing seems to be going right. Get ready! Gregory Marcellus wants to start a real estate business, but not having the money required, he thinks about how to come up with some. Suddenly he remembers a business proposal made to some friends back in Manhattan and thinks this is the right deal to embark upon. Now with this new idea he can hardly contain himself, so without further hesitation he decides to drive to Manhattan. When he arrives there, he luckily meets his long-time counterpart, Roy Benjamin, who with great optimism approves and vows to work with him, opening a way for an additional accomplishment, one that Gregory was always hoping to realize. After Gregory and Suzette finish having their breakfast, the couple starts to get ready for church. While Gregory is in the shower his cell phone rings and he asks Suzette to answer it. When Suzette answers the phone, the caller identifies himself as John Richards and states to Suzette that he is looking for Gregory, because he is interested in buying one of their houses. Suzette: Im his wife and he cannot come to the phone right now because he is in the shower, but I can give him a message for you and ask him to return your call when he gets out of the shower.” John Richards: “All right. Ill be waiting,” (hangs up the phone) Suzette relays John Richards’ message to Gregory concerning his interest in one of their houses. When Gregory gets out of the shower and finishes dressing, he calls John Richards back. Gregory: “Hey, Mr. Richards, this is Gregory. I got your message from my wife and just want to touch base with you.” John thanks Gregory for calling him back and asks if he can set up a meeting with Gregory to see the houses. Gregory asks him when it will be convenient for them to meet. John: I was thinking sometime today.” Gregory (surprised): “Today?” John: “Yes, today!” Gregory: “Dude, today is Sunday, Man, and I dont know! I have to talk to my wife because we are preparing to go to church in about twenty minutes. Can you wait until tomorrow?” John: “Oh Man, can we just go ahead and get it done today? Because I am not good at keeping money in my hands. I always find some way of spending it. I just dont trust myself. And I want to start an investment and this is the perfect opportunity so I dont want to lose out on this chance.” Gregory: Mr. Richards, I totally understand, but I need to talk to my wife first before I make a decision. Can you hold on for a few minutes?” Gregory tells Suzette what John Richards is requesting. Samanta is disappointed and tells Gregory that even though they are in business, they shouldnt be conducting any business on Sundays, because Sundays are days in which they go to church, and she thinks that John Richards should wait until tomorrow. Gregory agrees with her and goes back to the phone and tells John just what his wife said. John is disappointed and apologizes for being so inconsiderate, but says he understands. Gregory accepts John’s apology and asks him what time he wants to meet up the next day. Gregory: “I can be where our houses are at 10:00 a.m.” John: 10:00 a.m. sounds great, because the earlier the better for me.” Gregory: “Thanks for understanding and calling.” John: Youre most welcome, Gregory.” They both hang up. The leader of a gang, Lennox Burke-off, also known as Big Money grip, is well known in the streets as an infamous big-money laundering kingpin. The names of his associates are: Gomez, Light Bright, Clever, and True Blue. Lennox Burke-off is always plotting, scheming, and conniving. He committed some robberies in Manhattan, and then got caught, ending up in jail for two years in Rikers Island. He got out of jail about three months ago. Lennox Burke-off had some money stashed before he went to jail and is now trying to buy a house, because presently he doesnt have anywhere to live. Just a few days ago he came to Gregory, inquiring about buying a house, because he heard Gregory currently has his real estate company. Next twist in the story with Burke-off. Gregory is signing some paperwork, when suddenly his cell phone begins to ring. When he answers, the person on the phone says he is Burke-off. Burke-off: “Its been a long time.” Gregory: “Indeed it has been a long time since I’ve heard from you. How long have you been released from jail?” Burke-off: “About three months or so.” Gregory: “Im happy to know that. Just make sure you stay out of trouble.” Burke-off: “No doubt. Word on the street, I aint trying to go back to jail.” Gregory: “How can I be of help?” Burke-off: “I have some money I have been saving for a while. I overheard you are in the real estate business, and I would really love to cop one of those houses you currently have, because I am really in need of a place to stay.” Gregory: “Yes, Ill do everything I can, but first and foremost Ill have to run your credit. So what Ill need from you right now is proof of address, Social Security number, and two forms of ID to verify your identity. Do you have those documents I just mentioned to you?” Burke-off: “Yes, I do.” Gregory: “Youll need to fill out this application so we can proceed with the approval process.” While Gregorys finishing up with Burke-offs credit application, his cell phone begins to ring. When he finally answers the phone, the person says to him that his name is Robert White. Robert White: “I am inquiring about the houses you currently have on the market.” Gregory: “How can I be of help?” Robert: “We talked on the phone about three hours ago. Our conversation was about you showing me the houses.” Gregory: “Yes, I do remember. Today was very overwhelming with so many clients that I almost forgot about you. My deepest apologies. I really appreciate your interest and your persistence. I would like for you to meet me at this address. Do you have a pen?” Robert: “Yes, I do.” Gregory: “Here is the address: 11-001 5th Street, 25th Avenue. You can meet me there in thirty minutes.” Robert: “Ill meet you there in thirty minutes. Well talk shortly.” While Gregory is waiting for Robert White to arrive for them to go and see the houses, he decides to call back Burke-off and tell him the bad news. Burke-off answers the phone. Gregory: Burke-off , I have some unfortunate news to tell you.” Burke-off: What are you trying to say, Gregory? Gregory: Im sorry, Man, but I need to inform you that I did everything in my power to call in some favors to help you out to be approved for the loan for the house, but no one is willing to help you. It just didnt work out, Man. My hands are tied and there is nothing else I can do.” Burke-off (audaciously): “Why not?” Gregory: Because your credit scores are too low and you dont have the money to pay the down payment and I cannot find anyone who is willing to finance a loan to you or put their credibility on the line for you.” Burke-off is enraged upon hearing what Gregory is telling him, so he begins to argue with Gregory over the telephone. Burke-off: “I thought you and I were cool! Are you forgetting how much you and I have gone through together?” Gregory: “How can I ever forget? I havent forgotten what you have done to me in the past, yet I was willing to put it behind me and help you out. In this business there are certain guidelines I need to follow to keep my business honest when it comes to credit applications because Im dealing with the government.” Burke-off (still angry, but concedes): I really and truly thought that you were an understanding person who loves to help others, but I guess I was wrong.” (hangs up on Gregory) After Gregory finishes speaking to Burke-off, his wife. Suzette. speaks to him. Suzette: Sweetheart, I need to start getting ready for church, because we have a special church service today for the children, so Ill need to be at church earlier than usual.” Gregory: “Its okay, Honey! Do you know what time youll be back home? Suzette: “Ill be back home around 4:30 p.m., because after church I need to go to the store and pick up a few items. Gregory: “All right, Honey, but I forgot to tell you, I will be going out a little later on, too, because I received a call earlier from someone, possibly a potential buyer, who is interested in buying one of our houses and he wants to have a walk-through before he and his wife make up their minds.” Suzette is thrilled with excitement to know that Gregory is showing one of the houses they have on the market, all because the houses have been on the market for a while. She gives Gregory a big, tight hug and a kiss. Suzette: Okay, Sweetheart. Thats wonderful! Do you know what time youll be returning home?” Gregory: “Ill be back about 3:30 p.m. It shouldnt take me too long, Honey!” Gregory kisses his wife good-bye and leaves to go and meet up with Robert White, the potential home buyer. About fifteen minutes after Gregory leaves his residence he meets with Robert White. He greets him. Gregory: How are you doing? Robert: I am doing great. Thanks for making it on time for the meeting to show me the houses you have for sale. I really appreciate it. Gregory returns thanks to Robert White for being interested in the house, and he begins to show him the exterior of the properties. Then he takes Robert to view the interior to see the living and seating rooms, dining room, kitchen, bedrooms, and bathrooms, to see how spacious they are, if they are to his liking, and if they have enough space for him and his family. They then go to look at the garage because Robert is looking for at least a two-car garage. Eventually Robert finds the house that he loves and tells Gregory that he is willing to put a down payment of $800,000 on one of the houses that Gregory is selling for $3 million. Gregory agrees to take the down payment. Burke-off continues to annoy Gregory because Gregory did not sell him one of his houses. Gregory (responding firmly): I need you to understand this. Any time you are running a business, its never a good idea to mix it with friendship, because the minute you do, people start taking you for granted, and also your kindness for weakness. And sooner or later your business will be in jeopardy, bankrupt, and the friendship is over. I said this to be clear.” Burke-off: “I thought you were cooler than that.” As stated earlier, Gregory has no problems with Burke-off. Burke-off is the one who has problems with Gregory, because he thought in his opinion he and Gregory are cool, and Gregory should of done more to help him get the house. Burke-off: You are not going to help me, huh? Gregory is firm in his decision. Gregory (emphatically): No, I cannot help you, because my hands are tied. Maybe a different time or under a different circumstance I might be able to help you. But as for right now and in this case I just really cant.” Burke-off was still rattled up, but responded in a calm tone. Burke-off: Yo, Man, you better watch your back. You are going to be very sorry for turning my application down.” Now, Gregory gets upset because he is tired of Burke-offs whining, and not only that, but Burke-off threatened him. Gregory responds to Burke-offs threat. Gregory: You come to my place of business and because I cant help you due to your application not being approved, and more so you dont have the money to make the down payment, you get upset with me and start arguing with me and threatening me.” Burke-off: Buddy, thats no threat—its a promise! Gregory: Whats the difference between a threat and a promise? Burke-off: I dont know, Man. What kind of question is that? In my world, a threat you dont do anything about it, theyre just empty words. But a promise, you can bet your last dollar I am going to do something to either hurt you or harm you. Thats why one is a threat and one is a promise. Im gonna get off this phone now before I say something more Ill regret.” Gregory: I think you are right because thats the best thing youve said and one of the most conscious decisions you have made, Burke-off. Are we still cool, Man? Burke-off (in a softer tone of voice): “Peace out!” Gregory is on the way home from Manhattan after a hard day’s work. As he turns the corner he notices somebody is standing in front of his gate. As he gets closer and closer, the person begins to walk towards his garage entrance. Gregory is kind of curious and wonders who it could be. He then decides to open his car door and gradually steps out of his car. Gregory begins to look around, wondering who this is and what hes doing here. The man still continues to walk toward him. Gregory is wondering, Who could this really be coming to my property this time of the night? The man begins to walk even faster. Gregory stops walking and immediately his face starts to get very serious. Burke-off (shouting from a distance): “Yo, Gregory, its Burke-off. I am sorry to come to your house so late, but its important that I speak to you.” Gregory: “Lets talk inside. (opens the door) You can come inside and take a seat. Would you like something to drink?” Burke-off: “Yes, some cold ice water.” Gregory: Okay. Ill be back in a few minutes. (returns with the ice water) Burke-off: “Thanks.” Gregory: “How can I be of help?” Burke-off: “The reason for my visit is because I would like to borrow some money from you. Somebody offered me a business proposal, but in order to start this business I need $10,000.” Gregory: “Thats a lot of money. I dont mind lending you this money, but how and when am I going to get my money back? The reason I am asking is because you just got out of jail and you dont have a job. So how do you intend to pay me back if I lend you this money? Burke-off: “Yo, when you said that, what you mean is that you know me for a very long time. We’re supposed to be friends. You know Im going to pay you back.” Gregory: “No, I dont know how you are going to pay me back, so why dont you explain?” Burke-off: “Man, why you acting like that towards me? Look how many things Ive done for you in the past. I never turned you down, not even once. I always came through for you.” Gregory: “The first time you came to me wanting to buy a house, Im not going to lie to you, I was a little curious, but I still tried my best to believe you. You came back to my house tonight with the next crooked deal. Listen, you need to stop lying. Its time you begin speaking the truth.” Burke-off: “Yo, why are you acting like that, calling me a crook, liar, trying to disrespect me? Yo, Gregory, you know what? I dont have to take this from you. Man, you done did it now.” Gregory: “I dont have any problems with you at all, but lets be for real. You and I know thats not a proper way to do business. With that being said, I cannot lend you any money unless you prove to me where you will get the money to pay me back.” Burke-off: “Thats the way it is?” Gregory: “Yes, you got that right, Buddy. Thats the way it is for right now. Maybe a different time or in a different circumstance, but for right now its a no-go.” Burke-off: “I have to go, because if I dont leave right now for real, I might end up doing something that would make me get arrested.” Gregory: “I think thats the best thing for you to do. Remember, I dont have any problems with you—thats just the way I conduct business.” Burke-off (walking towards the door, slowly turns around and shouts): “You havent heard the last of me! You are going to be sorry!” Gregory closes his door. Burke-off was still enraged because he felt that Gregory was downright disrespectful over the phone and decided to pay Gregory a visit at his home. But when he showed up at Gregorys residence he was disappointed because Gregory ignored him completely. His next course of action was revenge. So he gets on his cell phone and rounds up his crew. Went his boys arrived at Gregorys residence, they cant enter the property because Gregory and his wife Suzette are at home, so they decide to stake out the residence from the bushes that surround the house. Gregory and his wife Suzette prepare to go out shopping together. Gregory: “Are you ready?” Suzette: Im getting ready now, Honey. Just give me a few minutes and Ill be right there! Gregory: “Baby, Ill be outside in the car warming the engine up!” Suzette: “Okay!” While Gregory is waiting on Suzette in the car, his cell phone rings. When he answers it, the person on the other end is a man who says his name is Larry Johnson and he would like to speak to Gregory Marcellus. Gregory: “This is him speaking.” Larry Johnson: “I am making inquiries about the houses you and your wife have on the market for sale.” Gregory: “Yes, my wife and I have several properties on the market and the prices range from $3 million all the way up to $7 million. But right now my wife and I are about to go and take care of some very important business. As soon as we are finished, Ill give you a call and we can set up a meeting so that you can get an opportunity to see the houses that we have, okay? Larry: “Okay. Do you have any idea what time youll finish your business?” Gregory: “My wife and I will be back home by 1:30 p.m.” Larry: “Give me a call when you return home.” Gregory: “All right, Man.” They hang up. Meanwhile, Burke-off and his partners in crime are still in the bushes spying on Gregory and his wife Suzette , apparently waiting for them to go out. As Gregory and Suzette pull out of their driveway, Burke-off speaks to his boys. Burke-off: “I think they are leaving now. Lets go. Do you guys have the tools we usually used to pick the locks?” Clever (annoyed): “What kinda stupid question is that? Man, you are a trip, Dawg! You know how we roll, always prepared. Dude! Sometimes I swear you ask the most stupid questions.” Burke-off (plays coy): “Whats up with all the attitude, Man? No need to get upset because its not even like that. I just want us to get in and out quickly, no sweat, right? I dont know why you are taking my question personal. We good, Dawg!” Clever: “Okay, Dawg. This is getting to all of us, but I accept your Bojangles apology.” Burke-off: “Lets stay focused on the job at hand, so we can get it done quickly and get out of here. We need to move very swiftly, boys, because we dont have any idea how far Gregory and his wife have gone and how soon theyll be back.” Then he demands that one of his men give him the instruments they use to pick locks. He tries to get the door open but it is giving him a hard time. His boys wonder why it is taking him so long to get the door open, Boys: Yo, Man, whats taking you so damn long, Man? What seems to be the problem, Dawg? Are you getting too old for the job?” Burke-off: “You guys just need to take a chill pill. I need a few minutes more. Yall just back up and back off, all right? Stop sweating me unnecessarily. I got this, Baby. I know it doesnt take me so long, but this lock is not like the usual locks. Its complicated.” After several minutes of some unsuccessful attempts the door suddenly is unlocked. As Burke-off and his boys enter Gregorys residence, he asks one of them to give him two of the cameras and a chip so he can tap the phone and set up the cameras, one in the living room and one in the kitchen. He reminds them that they have to make it snappy because they dont have much time. The arresting officers have Burke-off in the small, smelly, and dimly lit holding cell. They are getting ready to bring him out and start questioning him. Burke-off: “Uh, can I get a cigarette, man?” Officers James and Dukes look at each other. Then Officer Dukes pulls out a pack of cigarettes and hands one to Burke-off. As Burke-off begins to light it and smoke it, Officer James smacks it out of Burke-offs trembling hands. Officer James: “Why did you break the law?” Burke-off (looking around, mutters): “I don’t know what you are talking about.” Officer James (takes a deep breath): “If you don’t know what I’m talking about, then why were you running from us?” Burke-off smiles and then grabs the cigarette off the table and lights it. Burke-off (smuggly): “I ain’t saying nothing else without my attorney present.” Officer Dukes (getting up from his seat): “The charges you’re facing are up to ten years. So you better start talking to us now, so we can work out a deal.” Burke-off takes another drag from his cigarette and looks at Officer Dukes. Burke-off: “Do you have any evidence that I broke into Gregory Marcellus’ house?” Burke-offs eyes get big and his previously joyful face gets serious. Burke-off: “You know what? I’m telling you nothing! I know how the police works. You all just want me to incriminate myself.” Officer James then brings his seat so close to Burke-off that he can hear Burke- offs heart beating. Officer James (whispers): “I didn’t say anything about breaking into anyone’s house, or even someone named Gregory….” Burke-off takes his cigarette out of his mouth and throws it in the ashtray. Officer James: “Don’t worry though. We have a surveillance tape showing you breaking into a home. So you better start talking right now or you will be going to jail for a very long time Burke-offs whole demeanor changes. He puts his head on the table and looks up. Burke-off: “All right, all right! Yes, I did, I did it. I broke into Gregory’s house, but it’s only because I really needed the money! I wouldn’t even be in this mess if Gregory helped me out! I can’t stand him, you know what? I hate him! I came to buy a house from him way back, and he turned me down like I was nothing! Like we didn’t grow up together, like we weren’t friends before. He treated me like trash on the street! Forget Gregory!” Officer James leans back and yells to the officer outside of the interrogation room. Officer James: “We’re done here! Put him back in his cell!” Burke-off is taken away from the officer outside and leaves officers Dukes and James alone. Dukes smiles and looks to James. Officer Dukes: “We got him; we got the confession. Convicting him will be an easy job for the district attorney.”
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 00:03:23 +0000

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