By Courtesy of Leonard Robinson: THE PARADOX OF THE SIMPLICITY - TopicsExpress


By Courtesy of Leonard Robinson: THE PARADOX OF THE SIMPLICITY THAT IS IN CHRIST Never get away from the simplicity that is in Christ. Everything Jesus has said about Himself is true and everything the Father has said about Himself and Jesus is true and everything Jesus has said about the Holy Spirit is true and everything the Holy Spirit reveals about the Godhead is true, and lastly, what they, God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit has said about you is true. In other words, take in the whole counsel of God, and rediscover the Kingdom of God and the righteousness the Father has made you to be, and you will see yourself as having been restored back to Gods image and likeness, and you will discover that righteousness is your dominion, and that through the New Birth you are now more than a conqueror who always has the victory for God always causes you to triumph. In the infinite wisdom of God, He is the Father, who manifested Himself in the person of His Son, who is the precious Lamb that was slain before the foundations of the world, that in due season Jesus would come forth as the anointed Christ whose sacrifice on the cross reconciled you and I back to God and gave us the ministry and word of reconciliation that God would use you and I now in the same way that God was in Christ reconciling the world back to Himself. Men and women who struggle with Gods capacity to be God, Jesus the Anointed Son of God, and the Holy Spirit, also struggle with their own identity as being man and being a God-man who is now a partaker of Gods divine nature. My dear friends, when we get away from the simplicity that is in Christ we struggle with the answers God has given and we look to make what God made simple, to be something unnecessarily complex. Lastly, God never sent Jesus to give us a religion, not even Christianity as weve come to know it. Nor did God send Jesus to restore Gentiles to a pseudo Judaism as a means of you getting closer to God or more easily identifying with God and the Savior because you wear Hebrew prayer shawls or keep Jewish calendars or the feast days and moons. Many of your are Gentiles who have been brought into Gods covenant promise to Abraham that He would inherit the world. You have been brought into the same covenant promise that God gave Abraham, and the righteousness Abraham walked into through faith, is but an example of the righteousness that is yours now through the New Birth. Also, God never sent Jesus to give us any denomination, not Church of God in Christ, Church of God, Assemblies of God, Foursquare, Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, Protestant, Presbyterian, Pentecostal Assemblies of the World or any other such denomination or non-denominational group, no matter what their names are. God sent Jesus to restore you and I back to the image and likeness that He created Adam and Eve in from the very beginning, and to make us righteous, that we would enjoy the dominion Adam and Eve were to enjoy through righteousness, and that as the righteous sons and daughters of the Most High, we are mindful of what we say and what we do, having Jesus as our example of what it takes to walk in and live out the truth, submitted to God as our Father even as the Father made Jesus to be the example of such a wonderful submission. Do not let the paradox of God as Christ and Christ as God and the Holy Spirit as sent from the Son as the promise of the Father trouble you. Only the enemy has seduced the Church to miss the simplicity that is in Christ and the whole counsel of God that is to be discovered as we rediscover the Kingdom and make Gods Kingdom and righteousness our number one priority. God, Christ and the Holy Spirit work together to produce in us the reality of our righteousness and the unshakeable Kingdom, that we would serve God acceptably in godly fear, for God is a consuming fire. Ambassador, Dr. Leonard Robinson Kingdom Vision Ministries International; REBIRTHING OF A KINGDOM NATION TOUR Monday - Friday 5:00 AM Eastern via International Teleconference +1-857-232-0155
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 05:49:24 +0000

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