By Decorian Matthews. White on White Crime is on the Rise, So - TopicsExpress


By Decorian Matthews. White on White Crime is on the Rise, So Where’s the Outrage? Can anyone shed light on the media’s fixation with so-called “Black on Black homicide? You wouldn’t know it by listening to the mainstream media, but Black on Black homicide has actually dropped from a high of 94% in the 1990s to 91.3% in 2012. This may not seem significant, until you realize that White on White homicide has risen during the same period. In addition, if you listen to the likes of Fox News, Blacks are not only murdering each other, but they are killing off the White race in their spare time. However, statistics clearly show that while Blacks may be murdering each other, Whites are engaged in the same behavior. FBI data to prove this fact. According to the most recent (2011) FBI statistics, of the 2,695 murders in which the victim was black, 91% were committed by people of the same race. Odds are if the victim was wearing a hoodie, the perp was too. The same pattern of intra-racial v¡olence holds for whites. 83 percent of white mµrders in 2011 were within-race killings, and only 14% were black on white. These data tell us that murder in America is decidedly not a matter of racial hatred.” This misrepresentation about crime only breeds more unfounded fear of Black America. Whites are more likely to respond with fear to Blacks and respond with force, even when they are in no immediate danger themselves. The recent shootings of Jonathan Ferrell and Renisha McBride show the danger of being Black while seeking help. In both cases, they were k¡lled by frightened Whites. There are intellectuals who are attempting to wake up White America such as Tim Wise, who points out to his fellow White Americans that they are more in danger of being k¡lled by another White person than a Black Person. He delves specifically into this issue with his article “Nazis Can’t do Math Reflections of Racism Crime and the Illiteracy of Right Wing Statistical Analysis”. In 2010, for instance, whites killed whites 3,252 times: 4.6 times more than the number of whites k¡lled by blacks. Why no generalized fear of white people then? Why assume that black-on-white murder (which occurs about one-fifth as often) somehow portends some larger social trend, while white-on-white mµrder is merely random, individual, and signifies nothing more important, socially, at all? Why? Because racists are racists, that’s why. Wise’s statements are greeted by disbelief from his counterparts. Instead of embracing the irrefutable truth, they try and disprove facts. They use “smoke and mirror math” to disprove his statements. When their math is questioned… they claim that Wise simply hates his own race. Why else, they question, would he post such things? They will not accept the truth of his statements which is htat Whites are k¡lling Whites in record numbers. At one point in 2012, White on White Homicide was recorded at 88%, Black on Black remained steady at 91%. Each of these percentages is unacceptable. It should be a call to action…but it’s not. Black people must be aware that they are no better or worse than their White counterparts. As long as the perception is that it’s a Black on Black problem the alarm isn’t being raised. As long as White America feels safe in the knowledge, that it’s not their problem the stats will continue to climb, and the death toll rise. Only when White America realizes that it too has a problem, will it become an American problem…until then Whites, Blacks and Browns will continue on this race destructive path.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 00:03:19 +0000

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