By Dikembe Disembe To the young people who feel disappointed - TopicsExpress


By Dikembe Disembe To the young people who feel disappointed today that a clear resolution did not come from Uhuru Park, I want you to know that our leader Raila Odinga and Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka are mindful of your safety. Calling you to Uhuru Park achieved its sole objective: We wanted to prove to the powers that be that we will be out there whenever theres need to be out there. Today, our friends think we failed. Thats because they are analysing our success using their yardstick of violence and pride and arrogance. Today, we made a big leap into the future. We are all safe - at least most of us. No deaths. Never forget that our alliance is for the willing. We are not united by the fear of killing each other in the Rift Valley. We are not united by the fear of ethnic cleansing. Never forget this. So, in all fairness, we succeeded today. We were not cowards like the media. We were not pretentious like the church. We came out and demonstrated what freedom of assembly mean in our time. You saved democracy. As you prepare to sleep tonight, dont feel bogged down by the doom-spewing friends on the other side. They feel haunted that you are back home safe and alive. They feel really, really disappointed that those machetes they purchased will probably be used for hacking their wives and daughters after drinking country-man. Youve just increased their anger and hate and outrage. Youve won! Believe you me when I say Raila Odinga is not stupid to have let today end with that long, rough referendum declaration. Trust me when I say Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka is proud of you tonight. They will call todays meeting of the people at Uhuru Park a damp squib but get it from me: because of your bravery, because of your resolve, amidst a barrage of bad publicity and church hypocrisy, you made your voices - feeble and faint as they were - heard. So many analysts will tell you how you wasted today, dont worry about them. The arc of time bends towards the right side of history. Today, you were on that side.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 09:28:45 +0000

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