By Doug Giles The Gulfport, Florida Police released a video a - TopicsExpress


By Doug Giles The Gulfport, Florida Police released a video a couple of weeks ago from a school bus surveillance camera that shows three, weed-dealing black teenaged thugs beating the shitake out of one, thirteen-year-old white kid. It was an unholy smack down of demonic proportions. If you haven’t seen it you can watch the gruesome video here. Satan must be so proud. The kid got his clocked cleaned because he told his school officials that the three, black teens tried to sell him a dime bag of weed. After they pummeled him, breaking his arm and blackening his eyes, they stole his money. Read more at clashdaily/2013/08/another-black-on-white-beat-down-why-george-zimmerman-carried-a-gun-and-why-you-should-another-black-on-white-beat-down-why-george-zimmerman-carried-a-gun-and-why-you-should-another-black-on-white-b/#wmWgMB6p7UoG6mqV.99 The animalistic, over-the-frickin’-top, violent incident occurred on July 9th, 2013. It was, however, first reported on July 11th, 2013. The weird thing about the initial reporting, which just happened to be two days before the Zimmerman verdict, was that the video didn’t get released and the color of the culprits and the human punching bag got conveniently omitted. I believe the video didn’t hit the local airwaves until July 29th. I’m also pretty certain that, as of today, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSLSD and the Central BS national networks have yet to run it. Yawn. Hey guys: could you possibly be less obvious? Nowadays, when I’m tooling around in my Armageddon Bug-Out vehicle listening to TV via my satellite radio and I hear them report a violent beat down like the aforementioned, and Ron Burgundy doesn’t immediately mention the race of the criminals, I know with 99.9% certainty that it wasn’t Doogie Howser who doled out the ass-kicking or murder. Another thing that tips me off that it wasn’t a white devil’s doing is if Sharpton’s not on immediately after the account screaming and strutting like a rooster that just got its comb caught in an electric fence. Aside from the uncut animus started by these three, black thugs on one thirteen-year-old kid, another thing Read more at clashdaily/2013/08/another-black-on-white-beat-down-why-george-zimmerman-carried-a-gun-and-why-you-should-another-black-on-white-beat-down-why-george-zimmerman-carried-a-gun-and-why-you-should-another-black-on-white-b/#wmWgMB6p7UoG6mqV.99
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 15:06:18 +0000

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