By Dr. Amir Farid Isahak Metaphysics is the science and - TopicsExpress


By Dr. Amir Farid Isahak Metaphysics is the science and philosophy relating to the transcendent, or reality beyond what is perceptible to the senses. It investigates and tries to explain the supernatural and the abstract, just as conventional science (and physics is one branch of it) investigates and tries to explain nature and natural phenomena. However, metaphysics is more spiritual and philosophical than scientific. Quantum physicists (scientists who study the nature and behaviour of atoms and their components, and the forces that govern them) have long known that certain fundamental particles (the smallest components of all physical matter) actually have a dual existence. They can exist either as energy waves, or as particulate matter, and that the expectation (mind) of the observer influences the behaviour of these energy/particle entities. For the people described above to be transposed, there must have been some change in the energy/matter behaviour of their physical bodies. Depending on the energy form that the transposition involves, the transposed form may or may not be in the form that is detectable by our physical senses (or even scientific instruments). The realm of spirits, energy, and transposition of matter are exciting subjects that can only be fathomed if we accept that there is existence beyond what science knows. In other words, where physics ends, metaphysics begins. Electrons and healing Electrons are the fundamental particles which surround the nucleus of an atom. They travel so fast that their position at any one time cannot be determined. The paths they traverse are described as electron clouds, and the electron particles themselves seem to be at many places at one time. The energy of the atom determines the level or distance that the electrons orbit from the central nucleus. But unlike the orbits of moons and planets, their orbital planes always change, and it is easier to visualise their orbital shells rather than orbital planes. Energy and electrons basically determine the behaviour of atoms, and are involved intimately in how our cells survive and function. Health and disease ultimately can be traced to the cellular and biochemical levels, and a good understanding of these levels will help us tremendously in our quest to resist and recover from diseases. We now know that electrons play very important roles in the workings of free radicals and antioxidants, both of which are crucial in our understanding of health, ageing, chronic diseases and cancers. Electron flow is essential in the production of electricity, and in all things electronic. Low-current electricity is the basis for many healing gadgets, some of which I have discussed in previous articles. Electronic medicine is an area that is fast gaining popularity. Qi = quantum energy In trying to understand qi and its healing effects, scientific tests have been carried out. But the complete understanding of qi has been elusive, because qi appears to be scientific as well as unscientific. It behaves like some of the electromagnetic energy forms (for example, infrared and infrasound); it behaves like the forces that hold sub-nuclear fundamental particles together (for example, gluon); defies physical laws (by being intelligent); and seems to have memory and emotions. Trying to understand qi requires a quantum leap from conventional science. Qi is not only energy, but a lot more. Just like the saying about Tao: if you know it, it is not Tao. So it is at the moment with qi. If you can fully describe it, it is not qi! And just as physicists discovered that the energy/particle nature of the smallest units of matter is determined by the observer, the nature of qi is also determined by the master. The Qigong master who understands most the variabilities and capabilities of qi will most likely be able to utilise more of the potential of qi in healing, and in many other areas. Likewise, practitioners of other healing arts which involve energy or esoteric elements would be more effective if they understand metaphysics. Aromatherapy, aura healing, crystal healing, flower remedies, homoeopathy, phytobiophysics, vibrational therapy, and the whole gamut of complementary therapies can all benefit from a better understanding of metaphysics. Automatic qigong When automatic qigong is demonstrated, my students often asked if I had summoned spirits to do the movements that ensue. To the uninitiated, it could easily seem so, for when qi is summoned, it becomes a force of power, bravery, fearlessness and determination. When qi is summoned for healing, it becomes a force of compassion, empathy, gentleness and softness. It can also be harnessed as a force of peace and wisdom. The Jedi Masters of the Star Wars hexalogy are the best examples of masters who use the Force for self-defence, peace and wisdom. May the Force, Peace and Wisdom be with you, too.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 16:13:27 +0000

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