By Gabrial Pager Ajang “September 6 near Omaha, NE · Edited - TopicsExpress


By Gabrial Pager Ajang “September 6 near Omaha, NE · Edited Very, very and very small community, situated at the cross roads, with the glowing arch of history is tried to be failed by its members. A community that had less than 10% of south Sudan population, a community destroyed by two ethnic wars, and the Sudan civil war, is now wrecked by few divisive individuals. A community that yearns for rehabilitation, healing, recovering, and reconstruction but it members are not helping. A community whose thousands of its members perished and thousands are displaced. A community whose name carries the name of historic city laid ruins, and wasted by war led by known leaders. A community whose political leaders and political history is being attacked assassinated and destroyed and its members are contribution to its destruction. We have been politically and economically harmed, destroyed and caricatured. Hence if you want to divide this community, where are you taking the portions? To the west, the east, the south, and the north? or you want to plant hatred for the sake of division. We want to live in peace and unity with all the other 64 tribes in South Sudan let alone your little divisions that you are championing. I am palled and baffled to see our members assassinated characters and excellent works of our vibrate political leaders and successful members. If I succeed our community succeeded, If Ajak Deng Chiengkou/ Ajakguong Deng succeed, our community succeeded, If Alier Mareet succeed, our community succeed. If Kuir Ë Garang succeed, our community succeeded. These individuals fairly discussed public issues, and they do not mixed them with communal issues. I do not care about what people said or think about Ajak but the fact that he is the radio talk host of Dinka program makes him an asset to our community. People do not need to loose this significant side of him. History will be the judged, if there are few members that had contributed to destruction of our community but let not destroy it furthers. Please allow politicians to defend themselves, and not communalized public issues and politics. I am still debating whether I need to write an on this topic or not. Unity and Peace ee ka among our members. cheers!! The above note did allow debaters to comes up with some of the points below: There is different between Twi East ( Twic East) and Eastern Twi ( Eastern Twic). Twi East is an administrative name while Eastern Twi is an ethnic name ( Sub tribe). For example, we have Eastern Twi and Western Twic, Western Luac and Eastern Luac, Western Ngok and Eastern Ngok and Western Dinka and Eastern Dinka. Eastern or Western mean those ( people) who live East or West of the Nile River. Twi East Dinka is incorrect, but Eastern Twi Dinka is the correct way of referring to people of Twi East county. So be mindful of the differences when using the two words i.e. Twi East County ( administrative name) and Eastern Twi Dinka ( people). By Mayom Diing “I had another heated debate with friend of mine today about the origin and context of name, BOR. I challenge him to tell me why Twi, Hol and Nyarweng should accept to be call BOR. Here is what he said which is worth sharing with my audience so that I can get their response. the story or theory sound bizarre but the narrator was admamant about it and I have to end the debate peacefully. The story goes like this, that Mabor ( Bor) have five wives. The first wife gave birth to Magok ( Gok), the second wife was the mother of Mathooc ( Athooc), the third wife gave birth to Matwi ( Twi) , the forth wife was the mother of Manyarweng and the last wife ( ting thii) gave birth to Mahol ( Hol). And then he said, that is the evidence. I asked him who is the brothers and sisters of Magok, Mathooc, Mahol, Matwi and Manyarweng? He said there were no other children besides them and that their respective mothers became impotent after that. I said, wooooo! . I asked him did their mothers seek treatment so that they can have other children? He kept quite and I could see his lips shaking and moving. I asked him what account for the differences in dialect if infact they descended from the same father? I elaborated more that Hol, Nyarweng and Twi dialect is different from each other. I further told him that the Athooc and Gok have similar dialect. And I said, what was Mabor ( Bor ) dialect? is it the one being spoken by Athooc and Gok, Twi, Hol or Nyarweng? He kept quite and became agitated. I press him again on that but in response he said this. That Athooc and Gok mothers were from the same tribe and that they grew up in their maternal uncles place and therefore learnt the dialect of their mothers. And i said what about Twi, Hol and Nyarweng? his response was the same that Matwi, Mahol and Manyarweng speak different dialect because their mothers were from different tribes. And asked him, what tribes were their mothers from? He could not answered and he become agitated . He became abusive toward me calling me a hater, bigot, divisive, destructor and jealous. and then he started advancing toward me ready to throw a punch and strike at me. I left and I start laughing uncontrollably!” By Mayom Diing “As per Deng Lueth Mayom Ayiiks definition of why Twi, Hol, Nyarweng, and Bor are called Buor is because their areas get flood, such definition has been presented by GBC members since until recently GBC opponents defeated them and they are seeking different avenues to stand firm in the face of their opponents, well, while they are still waggling around, how about this question! whats flood called among the Twic Dinka or specifically in Abee where Deng Mayom hails from, in Hol and in Nyarweng. The mentioned tribes called flood AMOOL in their Dinka dialects oppose to Buor who called it Abuoor!!! And therefore, since those who called flood AMOOL which is Nyarweng, HOL and majority of Twic if not all, are outnumbering the other Side, its fair for us ( three counties)to be called GREATER DINKA AMOOL should someone object this proposal explain to why!!! Before I am being described as a destructer, hater, divisive, narrow minded,...etc. Lets look into this simple and the only achievement of GBC since its inception seven years ago AWENG DE Michigan the first time I read about the Aweng not only that I couldnt comprehend what the word AWENG meant but the other four friends I asked were totally clueless too, not because five of us were dummies but because it was not in our great grandparents dictionary, among the five of us two people were Twic and three were Duk people, I think what this simple thing shows is how slowly the assimilation is creeping into Twic, Hol, and Nyarweng sugarcoated with unity!!! AWENG in Deng Mayoms dialect (Twic) is called Kaac, Aweng, in Mayom Bols dialect( Nyarweng) it is called Kaac too, the same thing in Hol Dialect, AWENG is also called Kaac, are these people who called AWENG - Kaac not the Majority? ?? In fact they are!! Do you think the GBC executives ever thought about putting slash and put Bul/Kaac beside Aweng word to help Twic and Duk readers? ? nupe, not even in the bracket at least to show our diversity and maintain it but instead I will be called all sorts of names. ... go ahead! !!” By Kulang Chol “...Let them play their emotion card they will eventually realized that unity and hatred dont have meanings. Dismantling of GBC is what will bring profound positive results that will likely satisfy the interest of all concerned citizen. They need to show maturity and allow free political debate on issues revolving around the four tribes. It will be a catastrophic mistake to suppress our voices (those against GBC). Whatever year this GBC thing was established; be it 1995 as claimed by others, 2010 in the United States or it has been there beyond these dates. Its not time to try and convince the opponent with emotional rhetoric and political gimmicks. Its time to point at some physical dividends - infrastructures; clinic built, roads, schools etch. So far the GBC has the Aweng de Michigan as their only exposed accomplishment to show for since GBC-USAs formation in 2010. Whereas clinics and schools have been built by individuals from each of the three counties without formed organizations behind them.” By Bjork Mabior “Brother Gabrial Pager Ajang until we stop proclaiming unity under elusive organisations like GBC, we will continue to have some tough time ahead. We need unity but not at the expense of any entity. The false notion that we need to be Buoor for us to be united is not acceptable. I think this is an idea you are hesitating to say openly. Isnt it?” By Agutyai Manyang “Gabrial Pager Ajang, I think you have produced a heart breaking message to the communities concerned. Before that unity there are plenty of obstacles to pass through. Im not bringing in massive explosive debate to your post. I hope you understood my point upfront. Im for unity but a healthy engineered unity by respect, cooperation, undisputed identity as the code what humans are identified in this world, territory-hood mutual respects and so on.” By DeTall Malual “Gabrial Pager Ajang: If your message has anything to do with Bor, Nyarweng, Hol, and Twi Dinkas then you aught to be very civil on how you response to those whore challenging your position. Choose your word wisely Mr. professor, the issue is not your household crisis, it involves four completely different tribes. In case you feel insecure in the open, you should inbox your sheep about your views, the imbeciles youre comfortably goading into accepting a time-wasting-coalition, even worse, an organization that is run and supported by people who lack the ability to precisely explain their visions and objectives. Do you feel comfortable when youre being asked to explain your position with calmness. Professor?? Erase it, it is your absolute right and choice!” By Bjork Mabior “..., there are four communities that live side by side! They share a lot, have common enemies, too intertwined & are very unique in the face of Dinka as a tribe. But some folks are tearing them apart by combining them under one controversial political NAME!” By Mayak Deng Aruei “We, the opponents of GBC have a lot of things at our disposals which we can utilize effectively. First, never attend GBC meeting. It will give them morale boost. Secondly, never contributed a single cents because you will have starve them financially. Third, please support your county development association so that they will be successful than the dying GBC. Fourth, should the GBC succeed in raising enough funds, we will make it clear to them that we the people of Twi East and Duk County do not want any of their project, be it agriculture, education or health in our region and area. That point need to be made clear to them when that time come. We will not sacrifice our identity as Twi, Hol and Nyarweng Dinka for the sake of Unity. Put it bluntly, OUR IDENTITY IS NOT FOR SALE, LEASE OR RENT. Garang Anyieth and his Christians crusaders from Duk, Twi and Bor have taken away one aspect of our identity, i.e. Dinka Religion. GBC must not be allow to do what the episcopal church of Sudan did to our traditional religion. Lirpiou e Guala, Aleer e Nyarweng, Mayom e Kongor just to name the few,and other Dinka totems ( Jaa) have been destroyed beyond recovery. Let us keep the commitment, civility, resilience and endurance because our identity is at stake. We have the history, the logic and common senses argument on our side. The other side have offer nothing and it is likely than they will offer nothing substantially to this debate.” By Mayom Diing
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 01:23:25 +0000

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