By: Graham Moorhouse The Principle (A film due to be released - TopicsExpress


By: Graham Moorhouse The Principle (A film due to be released in the Spring of 2014) is the one movie you must see this year. I would go further and suggest that it could be the most important movie you will see in your lifetime! Who would have believed that we would live to see some of the most eminent cosmologists on the planet beginning to question the Copernicus model? Note: all the scientists interviewed in this film (a majority of whom are atheists by the way) have signed release forms. To be fair the film does not take a position on the issue, it merely interviews some of the leading cosmologists on the planet and leaves the viewer to draw his own conclusions. However, it is impossible to avoid the conclusion (in my view) that the Copernicus theory is in deep trouble and the geocentric view is firmly back on the table after 400 years. It is important to understand what we mean here by geocentric. I have always been a geocentrist in the metaphysical sense that the earth is the planet on which God became man and founded His one true Church, but that is not the sense in which it is used here. Neither is geocentric used in the rather simplistic sense of being at the physical centre of the cosmos; the physical centre can only be determined if you have a precise knowledge of the perimeter of the universe, or the distribution of mass throughout the universe - both of which are beyond, I suspect, existing science to determine. No, geocentric here means something far more profound, it means that the earth is at a very special and totally unique place in the cosmos. Sufficient to say that the Copernicus theory - the belief that the world is nothing special, just another piece of rock hurtling through space alongside billions of similar bits of rock, which just happens by blind chance to have evolved in a particular way - is the foundational article of faith of the modern world. Darwins theory of evolution, would have been impossible without the Copernicus world view. It is fun to speculate what the world might look like had these two theories not been given credence. Without Darwin, no Nazis party, no Communism and no secular liberals. The list goes on. This is absolutely huge; without the credibility given to the enemies of Christs Church by the triumph of the Copernicus theory, it would be difficult to imagine Protestant revolution and the successes of the Masonic sect. No Masonic successes, no French Revolution. No French Revolution, no murder of the French king, and France would still have a Catholic monarchy and America would not have a Masonic constitution. No Masons in the new world, no American slave trade. The ramifications are endless. Benedict XVI in February 2013 said something to the effect that Vatican II was necessary to counter the damage done to the Church by the Galileo controversy. Galileo was merely a disciple of Copernicus; if Galileo was wrong and the Church right all along, just imagine how vibrant Catholicism would be without the ball of Vatican II chained to its leg? Is it too fanciful to suggest that we may be seeing another piece of the jigsaw falling into place that Our Lady was referring to when she said to the children at Fatima, My Immaculate Heart will eventually triumph ? I mentioned in an earlier version of Le Tocsin that Russia, a country that clearly holds a special place in Gods plans (why else would Our Lady ask for the Pope and bishops to consecrate it to her Immaculate Heart?) has already made changes that may foreshadow its conversion. The Copernicus theory has underpinned the atheistic world view for over four hundred years; if it implodes we are in uncharted waters and almost anything is possible, including a diabolical persecution of the Church, for the godless will not take it lying down. I will explain no more as I do not want to spoil the film for you. But if you cannot understand that we may be on the edge of a shattering game changer, you need a brain transplant, for you and I may be on the crest of living through the most significant scientific moment in the history of planet earth. What an exciting and unbelievable privilege!
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 06:34:12 +0000

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