By Guy Duininck Paving the Way for Abusers — A Hard Word A hard - TopicsExpress


By Guy Duininck Paving the Way for Abusers — A Hard Word A hard truth for some Christians to grasp is that many who are abusive have no interest in becoming healthy or in contributing anything worthwhile into a real relationship. What abusers are interested in, rather, is getting what they want from whoever they can get it and in whatever way they can get it; often treating others in terrible ways in the process. These unhealthy individuals do not want to experience any consequences for their abusive behavior. Far too often, Christians let these abusers off the hook in the name of "walking in love.” Having no consequences, these abusers are not only NOT challenged to change; they are actually rewarded for their bad behavior! And there is something even worse! When Christians let abusers off the hook in the name of “walking in love,” they Pave The Way for those abusers to abuse another victim and another victim and another victim in the very same way! It is very hard to consider "letting abusers off the hook" as "acts of Christian love." I know this is a hard word, but some Christians who, in the name of “walking in love” continue to “forgive and forgive and forgive” are guilty of enabling more abuse, of offering abusers good reasons not to change, and of possibly endangering the lives of others in the future. This is something to seriously consider.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 23:51:50 +0000

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