By Harsh Bhai Vedas? Where did they come from. Why Vedas are - TopicsExpress


By Harsh Bhai Vedas? Where did they come from. Why Vedas are called a divine revelation and what scientific evidences we have to show. Are we any better than a Muslim when we claim the divinity of our Shruti? If you are interested to know that, dig in Doubts arise because of not understanding the nature of the revelation. When the word revelation comes people imagine gods from heaven sending random messages down and bla bla bla. That is for the devas sake Abrahmic argument which depend upon the prophecy method. There are 3 methods of attaining knowledge: 1. Prophecy Method 2. Transcendental Method 3. Scientific Method Prophecy method is claiming the prophecies and claiming divine origin just because of some dream, because of unstable mental conditions or for pure intention of devising people. This is the primary method of Abrahmic religions. The second method, the transcendental method is the important method since the time ancient. But this method is as per our current understanding very random. You just randomly get an idea and it works. Like Neils Bohr seeing a dream which helps him to build a model for hydrogen atom. Until recently, it was believed to be entirely random. But after computer was made more and more powerful, research on emulating human logic were made. The biggest problem is, there is no way to emulate the transcendental method for a computer. Transcendental method is yet not well understood by the modern investigative science, for a simple reason- if it can be investigated it can be replicated. The vedic seers developed the method of sadhna. With each level of sadhna you get an ability to get arbitrary into trans. And in the trans the devas from different dimensions of the universe reveal the messages to him. Why those messages dont deal with something which wasnt in that time? For the simple reason messages are related to him. We know for one reason why they are sophisticated because in revealing the messages important to him, like how to please the deva of stars (surya), the exact speed of light was encoded. That wasnt the intention of the mantra, the intention of the mantra is to please the higher consciousness of sun- surya deva. That is extra meaning in it. It is an indicator of being not of human source for a reason that in 6000 BCE, from the time when vedas are said to belong, there was NO method to scientifically investigate the speed of light. The extra knowledge in the mantras which the people at that time cant know on their own, is one of the evidence that there is a purely transcendental origin. All major scientific breakthrough have some unexplainable transcendental point to it. Uncertainty principle, Model of Hydrogen, Archimedes principle, etc. The ability to get controlled trans state of very high level where the devas can give you messages is achieved by the people who are mantra drishtas. With the fall of Vedic era and invasion of first Assyrians and then the wars between vedic tribe lead to an downfall which finally lead to the classical era. The natural crisis like drying of the sarasvati was important reasons of slowing down of the Vedas. And finally, mantra drishta was a position never achieved once again in last thousand years. But before that thousands of Mantra drishtas (if not million) in a period of thousands of years one by one revealed the vedas and arranged it. The names of them are known. At least family names of most are. This is why vedas also have an evolution of language. Because revelation would be in the language the mantradrishta speak. This was amazingly given as a reason why Vedas arent divine, because language evolved Funny enough. The next is scientific method. The non puranic schools of thought in Hinduism were based upon the application of scientific method upon the upnishads. This is the source of the the famous Dvaita and Advaita schools of Vedanta. I dont understand the samkhya very well, I can only speak for these two. I understand that the transcendental method and scientific methods demand more detailed explanation than what I have given. I advice you to see one video and an article. Video on Brain and Consciousness by Subhash Kak: youtube/watch?v=I5__657ddsE Article on Scientific Method:
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 01:24:20 +0000

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