By:Hope D. Blackwell woman of Christ Christian Women - TopicsExpress


By:Hope D. Blackwell woman of Christ Christian Women “DIVAS”… NOT!!! Posted on 03/07/2013AND Now…. the “DIVA” thing. I know this might rub some the wrong way or shake the boat a little because most of us mean no harm in our utilization of words and we don’t really seek out their meaning but rather just jump on the bandwagon and begin using them, especially the words that appeal to our need to be “powerful”. Words have always been important to me, particularly those which cross gender, cultural, and even “spiritual” boundaries. Before I studied its orgin and meaning years ago, the word ”DIVA” never connected with my spirit, so I never used it. It always seemed “worldly”. While I have seen many Christian women ministries using the word DIVA, both in abbreviation to represent holiness, and in the actual term; I try to use my influence to educate those to prevent the perpetuation of such use! There are so many other titles that represent us much better!First let’s look at it’s current casual use and origin in our culture:DIVA defined generally is a prima donna, a distinguished female singer, one likened to a goddess, or one who is confident, self assured, and full of themselves. (UMMM already a bit haughty)Note: The actual origin of the word dīva is the feminine of dīvus or god; which is where the idea of a diva or goddess comes from. In our western culture we use the term in the meaning of being as great as a goddess, something women should desire to be or enjoy being. Remember, goddesses who were considered divas were such as Diana, Juno, Artemis and others. If you study both the old and new testaments of the bible you will note God’s anger about the people worshipping these false gods. These are women like Ashtoreth, who stood with Baal mentioned in the OT and the goddess or diva Diana being mentioned specifically in Acts chapter 19, both women being actual divas.As women of faith we must break this idea of being noticed or worshipped for the “DIVA” in us, which is often mistaken for being taken from the word divine to mean Godlike, rather than god, as opposed to the verb divine or divination, meaning those who operate as gods, practicing magic, soothsaying, and other forms of idolatry and witchcraft in their exertion of power. In various cultures, as well as in the dark world, a diva is known for what she truly is, which is a high ranking witch! Absolutelty no new creature in Christ, particularly His daughters, should be categorized as such!I have actually seen women write that the proverbs 31 woman was a “DIVA” which they take the term as deriving from divine, as if it were a noun, when in actuality when used that way it comes from the verbdiviner, or divination. I have seen us turn the letters into wonderful acronyms to represent Godly things, but if you are still saying the word diva, it is nonetheless, what it is. I am not making this post to rebuke, attack, or be overly deep; but to educate and empower women that we are born of the Christ into a new kingdom, so we should be mindful of the words we speak to and into one another. Remember we are in the world but not of it. We must be set apart! This is one of many reasons why we are often scorned and ridiculed, or not taken seriously in our faith by others. Actual divas who understand and use the word for what it really is, hear us calling ourselves these kind of things and wonder… ??? How will a self proclaimed Christian diva, bind an actual demon, minister the saving grace of God, or operate in any level of ambassadorship in the Kingdom of God, if we do not take the time to understand the words we adopt and declare over ourselves. This is where studying occurs. Did you know most religious people will devote hours to studying and understanding who they are following, but we take our liberty in relationship with Christ to study worldliness more than the true and living God and His Word and ways!If that seems to deep, even the basics of a diva according to merriam webster’s dictionary would oppose our instructions given in I Peter 3:3,4 which speaks words that teach us it is not all about the outward show or adornment of us as women, but rather the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which the bible says is precious in the sight of God.So when high fiving, encouraging, and struting your “stuff” (whatever stuff it is), use wisdom in the Kingdom and consider NOT calling women of God “divas”. There are so many other things we can encourage women to be. If we are really honest, most of the time we do this we look past the damaged souls and broken hearts of many who have the diva strut and look, but their lives are desolate and filled with barreness in so many areas. Let’s be a blessing to one another, REALLY. It’s time to go back to the healthy and solid foundation, as opposed to conducting ourselves in this worldlymovement. We need some moms back at home dropping sweet nuggets in their baby girls ear, not training her to be a manipulating, uncaring, self consumed, lustful, and insensitive diva. If we continue to subtly blend with this world as we so easily do, even Christian people are going to step up against truth when the REAL ambassadors begin to stand and proclaim it. Women we are becoming so blended with the worlds ways in our daily lives, that we don’t appeal to those who are in the world because they don’t see a difference in any area of our “RELIGION”. Christ came to replace religion with relationship, and so should we! Women of God, join the Purposed Woman movement! A movement that eradicates self consumed DIVAS, and replaces them with the earth’s Helpmeets, lifegivers and SUITABLE HELPERS!That the eyes of our understanding will continue to be enlightened that we will know what is the hope of our calling in Christ Jesus!
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 18:31:44 +0000

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