By Joyel E.: This petition will be sent to Jim Buckmaster, - TopicsExpress


By Joyel E.: This petition will be sent to Jim Buckmaster, Craigslists CEO. On August 31st 2013, a young, small, female dog named ‘Puppy Doe’ was found brutally tortured in a Quincy, Massachusetts park, and we were all left wondering who could let this happen to any animal. The dog’s injuries were so violent and severe that the only humane thing to do was to euthanize her. She had been starved, burned, stabbed, and limbs pulled from her joints in what’s been described as a “medieval’ style torture. It was later determined that the original owner of the dog had to give her up for undermined reasons. According to media reports, the owner decided to put the dog, named Kiya, up for adoption on Craigslist. Craigslist is often a go-to source for animal abusers looking for victims because it is anonymous and there is no accountability or screening process like regular shelters and rescue groups provide. Im asking Craigslist to change their policies on these re-homing ads, and only allow registered shelters and rescues to post adoptable pets so it is never again a part of tragedies like what happened to Puppy Doe. The before and after pictures of Puppy Doe speak for themselves. How many more times does this have to happen before Craigslist stops allowing people to give their pets away to strangers without any background checks or accountability? They already prohibit the sale of these animals, so I want them to update their policy to not allow the re-homing of pets by anyone not working for a registered shelter or rescue group that is able to conduct background checks to make sure animals are placed in loving homes.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 03:19:15 +0000

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