By: Juan Reynoso, activist - - TopicsExpress


By: Juan Reynoso, activist - voteforamerica@gmail STAND FOR AMERICA Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty. Seek the truth and expose and prosecute the criminals. November 16th, 2014 Fellow Americans, The blood of the Innocent killed in the Middle East wars is on the hands of the American people. Fellow Americans, it is time to stop these illegal wars, the truth is that the wars were planned and executed by George W. Bush and his administration for the only purpose of controlling the huge oil reserves in the middle east region. The great deception, orchestrated and perpetrated upon the American people by Bush and continue by Obama had tinted the hands of the American people with the blood of our soldiers and the millions of innocent people killed in the wars and continue by the cowardly Obama actions of the use of drones in these illegal wars. Fellow Americans, by our complacency, apathy and ignoring the crimes committed by our government in the name of America, we are partakers and accomplices of these crimes and responsible for this genocide. The world community sees us, as the world’s colonizers, the bullies that by the use of power we oppress and exploit the indefensible powerless countries. Terrorism is created by the American ill foreign policy of military intervention, we cannot expect zero retaliation when we occupying foreign countries and abused and killed innocent people; they hate us because we are the aggressors and they will kill Americans until we call for peace and cease this ill foreign policy of oppression and military intervention to exploit the world community. Fellow Americans we must not allow our government to continue this genocide, we must the stop of the wars and seek justice by demanding the arrest, prosecution and punishment of all the criminals and the ones that cover up the crimes against humanity. The writings of the prophet Ezekiel from many thousand years ago, describes a conversation between the prophet and the Lord God. It begins with the words: The soul that sinned, it shall die. It goes on to explain that the son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son and continues: But if the wicked will turn from all his sins to do what is lawful and right, he shall surely live, he shall not die. Please be an activist and demand the stopping of wars and send letter to the United Nations and request and investigation and prosecution of all the actors of this genocide and the ones that cover up. Address, 405 East 42 Street, New York, NY, 10017. Tel: 212-963-1234. To share this please clicks here Share The Project for the New American Century Bush and US military responsible for Dasht-e-Leili massacre? youtube/watch?v=hPk82BZVvpc The Bush Administrations Cover-Up of the Dasht-e-Leili Massacre youtube/watch?v=EdZlIEVtzN8 War Crimes and the White House youtube/watch?v=NfdhBcsedVo Bush cover-up Physicians for Human Rights Dasht-i-Leili Massacre Cover-Up Who Pays the Pro-War Pundits? The Truth about Americans that Support War in Iraq-Syriayoutube/watch?v=3GpxadNlIUw The truth is hidden under deception and propaganda jesus-is-savior/Evils%20in%20Government/evils_of_the_iraqi_invasion.htm Over One Million Iraqi Deaths Caused by US Occupation
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 16:48:07 +0000

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