By: Juan Reynoso, activist - - TopicsExpress


By: Juan Reynoso, activist - voteforamerica@gmail STAND FOR AMERICA Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty. Fellow Americans, impunity for crimes committed by the elite of the US Banking system it’s granted by the Corrupt US Dept. of Justice, no one will be prosecute for the huge fraud committed by the hundreds of financial executives that led to the three most destructive epidemics of financial fraud in history of our country, aided and abetted by thousands of Bank professionals. The epidemics of accounting control fraud hyper-inflated the real estate bubbles and drove our country to the 2008 Great Recession. The Great Recession caused an estimated $21 trillion in lost U.S. GDP and over 10 million American jobs, but the US Dept. of justice refuse to prosecute the criminals as a reward for their campaign contributions payments for the re-election of corrupt Washington politicians. This act of treason against the American people, confirm that this country is control by the financial and corporate neo-con globalist elite and that Washington represent the US predator corporations and not the people of this country. This is proof that they are above the law and they have free license to commit crimes against the people of this country and have impunity and protection from the US justice system. Fellow Americans, we cannot trust this corrupt system of government, we the people are the only hope for the future of our country and our families, the Neo-con globalist destroy our jobs and demise the middleclass and made the poor of this country an economic slave class. We must purge the Washington political system and vote out of office all the traitors, investigate them and get our own justice in our country. On 2014 and 2016 vote for America we must replace the career politicians and get new people in Washington, statesman that believes in our constitution and the rule of law. To share this please clicks here Share Sources for this article include: In Texas Big Bankers are not above the law. The feds should learn from Texas. theguardian/world/2012/jun/14/allen-stanford-110-years-jail Obama won’t prosecute the criminal Bankers. huffingtonpost/eric-zuesse/why-wont-obama-go-after_b_4661086.html DOJ says it cannot prosecute the criminals. The Rise of Corporate Impunity. Eric Holder is a criminal he must account for his crime against the people. akdart/eh.html Zero Prosecutions of Elites for Most Destructive Frauds in world. usawatchdog/zero-prosecutions-of-elites-for-most-destructive-frauds-in-world-history-william-black/
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 14:17:04 +0000

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