By: Juan Reynoso, activist - - TopicsExpress


By: Juan Reynoso, activist - voteforamerica@gmail STAND FOR AMERICA Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty. We care, because America will be a better country when all of its children are well educated. Texas educators, we got a challenge that only we as parents can make it a reality. I see an American that needs to be connected by a mutual interest, “our children’s future”. We are a multicultural state divided by race and nationality, with our own agenda and focus only on our own interest; now is the time to change and look toward our future and the economic and welfare of our children. This is a wakeup call, our family and children must become our first priority. They are the future of our country and it’s up to us to make sure they get an education and the moral principles to get our country out of this mess and on the path of freedom and prosperity. The U.S. Department of education predicts that this fall, for the first time in American history, there will be more minority students combined than white students in schools. But while Hispanic children make up a large portion of the minority students in the U.S., the problem lies in the fact that many of them dont graduate from high school, 25 percent fail to graduate. Our job is to change this trend and make history in America. The future of the whole country, depends on our children being educated and give them the equal opportunity to become the best they can be. We as parents must joined forces to address this problem, as a community it is in our best interest to stand as one in the promotion of education for our children, all parents should be more involved in their child’s education and on a day to day basis review the work done and monitor your child progress. The strategy for progress by education. 1-Teacher-Parents partnership. The goal is for teachers and parents to work together to make sure the student is getting to curriculum standard and then raise the standard as they progress. 2-Parents and the church can work on programs to help students that need help, tutoring, sports, social events and the development of moral character and principles, Pastors should also speak about education and the congregation should pray for the progress on the education of students. The church and the parents can be a great impact in helping students perform better in the school. 3-Community leaders and the school. Promote incentives for students to focus on education and future jobs opportunities. Schedule talks that will benefit students and promote their education. 4-Business community and the schools. Promote education to help students succeed in the classroom. Sponsor schools on sports, camping, fishing and most important scholarships. 5-News media and the schools. Promote the importance of education and organize fund drives for scholarship through sport events and 4K runs. 6-Politics and the schools. Get politics out of the education of our children’s, common core is toxic; this Federal initiative that push for our country to adopt a set of clear college- and career-ready standards for kindergarten through 12th grade in English language arts/literacy and mathematics is political control on education. Texas stands on our right to self-determination and our constitutional rights. To share this please clicks here Share Sources for this article include: Common core undermine the 10th amendment of our constitution z3news/w/common-core-curriculum-undermines-10th-amendment-constitution/ Texas do not want Common core in our schools. usnews/news/special-reports/a-guide-to-common-core/articles/2014/03/06/the-politics-of-common-core
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 11:04:45 +0000

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