By Len Linda Ngaujah from Sierra Leone Linda Isatu Ngaujah is a - TopicsExpress


By Len Linda Ngaujah from Sierra Leone Linda Isatu Ngaujah is a woman from Sierra Leone. She died on February 15, 2013 and was taken to Heaven and Hell to witness some fearful and dreadful things. Prior to this experience, she didnt believe in any revelation of Heaven and Hell, but all false beliefs were shaken out of her when she was tormented by demons in HELL. I spoke with a godly sister in Christ who knows her, named Claire Andoun Atongo. Sister Claire says that when Linda had this experience, she was not saved, but she got born again when she came back from hell. Now everything in sister Lindas life is about the Lord. she gave a warning from Jesus to women of God. “And then Jesus said, ‘You are going back to the world. Tell My people, “Any bishop or wife, any man of God, any signs and wonders man of God, any pastor’s wife, who’s putting on these things [she points to her head, referring to hair attachments]; any prophetess – even if she prophesies to thousands of people – is putting on these things [she points to her head, referring to hair attachments], she will not see My face. Any woman, in and out of the Church, putting on trousers, putting on eyelashes, putting on [she points to her head, referring to hair attachments or any unnatural hairdo], earrings, gold teeth, tattoos, false fingernails, bleaching the skin, bleaching cream, you will not see God. Tinting of the hair, perming of the hair, stretching of the hair (you want it to look light and nice), you will not see God’s face.” She said the Lord is exposing things that false men of God have taught – these evil things. She said, “These things they told you, ‘It’s not necessary [to avoid these]. Put it on. Beautify yourself.’ Jesus is telling you now, ‘They are evil.’” She testified, “And then He said, ‘I will send you to the Church. My Church is dirty! I will tell you why my Church is dirty. And I will give you a message to pastors that are helping the devil to dirty my Church. I will tell you the secrets the majority of them are doing in this Church, why my Church is dirty, the things they are using in the Church.’ And then Jesus stretched His hand like this and showed me a mighty church, a mighty church! And He started to show me different churches, different pastors preaching – white, black, Chinese...And then He said, ‘See, all of you in this Church – the Church today – you are left following yourself in sin.’ He said, ‘See the way My children are dressing. They dress naked to come into My presence. Even My shepherds, the pastors, they are not warning them. They are just encouraging them to come. Everybody’s lusting in the Church. Pastor is lusting for the sister. The sister is lusting for the brother. All of you are dressing naked. All of you are falling for each other. My Church is dirty! This is not My Church! ’” When the Lord spoke to her and told her to warn mankind about this, He called all these things the property of Jezebel and the property of satan. I strongly recommend reading my blog about her called Linda Ngaujah Revelation of Heaven and Hell.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 09:08:28 +0000

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