By Mastin Kipp Belief is a powerful thing. On the one hand, - TopicsExpress


By Mastin Kipp Belief is a powerful thing. On the one hand, we must watch our minds and what we believe, because what we believe will surely shape our world. And at the same time, we can believe something that is totally untrue. I’ve been thinking a lot about the thoughts “I’m not worthy” and constantly “I’m amazing” or “I’m awesome”. Common sense would have us want to steer away from thoughts like “I’m not worthy” and go towards thoughts like “I’m awesome” – but I’m no so sure about that. The more I live life and experience it, the most I’m convinced that going through life from the neutral perspective can be most powerful. This isn’t to say that we should numb out or not be happy or sad. I think we should feel and allow all our feelings fully. I think the trick is to not get caught up believing that everything we think and feel is the truth of who we are. Tony Robbins defines a belief as a feeling of absolute certainty. And when we believe something, we go looking for the evidence of that belief. And we will find the evidence. And when we find that evidence we will say, “See, I told you so” and this reinforces the belief. So we have to be careful about what we believe. Being that Daily Love is read by millions of people a year, we get a ton of feedback. People tell us we are great. People tell us we are frauds. People are grateful for all that we give, some believe we don’t give enough. All points of view help us to make Daily Love better, but we do our best to take none of it personally. When you start to believe it all, it can distract you from the mission – which for us is to serve. That’s why I don’t buy into the idea that I’m awesome or a fraud. I know I am enough (most of the time) and act accordingly. My focus isn’t on what other people think, it’s on adding value to world and letting the chips of approval or disapproval fall where they may. It’s about the mission, not the approval. It’s about service, not popularity. So when you find yourself thinking you are awesome or you aren’t worthy – just know that you are enough and don’t worry what others think. It’s none of your business. Your job is to stay on your mission – regardless of the thoughts of others. You are whole. You are worthy. Add the value. Change the world. That’s your job. You and I can focus on the mission at hand. In the comments let me know how you are going to cast away the approval or disapproval of others and focus on the mission. Lots of LOVE, Mastin P.S. Take what resonates and leave the rest! Click the link to the blog for more discussion about letting the approval from others go! thedailylove/you-are-enough/
Posted on: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 16:02:39 +0000

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