By Michael Aydinian Once again Im driven to point of - TopicsExpress


By Michael Aydinian Once again Im driven to point of exasperation. On RT today, they were talking about the debacle in Syria as if its all one massive headache! Nobody knows what Washingtons policy is! Apparently Obamas saying this; Hagels saying that; Kerrys all over the place! THIS IS NONSENSE! ITS OBVIOUS WHATS GOING ON! I have gone from blue in the face to deep purple telling people Zionists have total control over US foreign policy. Everything makes sense once you accept this! All thats occurring in the Middle East is against the best interests of America & Europe. This is all for the benefit of Israel & no one else. But I dont just name & shame - I give reasons why, not that you have to be a smart arse by any stretch of the imagination to be cognizant of these facts. Yet time & again I get the distinct feeling RTs headline news may just as well be coming from CNN or the BBC! THEYRE DOING EXACTLY WHAT THE ZIONISTS WANT! The Zionists are not just behind all this mayhem; they engineered the whole thing by planning & executing 9/11. This is why they did it - to fool everyone into believing there was a genuine terrorist threat so that the US would destroy all of Israels enemies - the 7 countries General Wesley Clark 10 years ago said had been earmarked to be taken out! Syria is the 6th country of the 7 Israel wanted destroyed. ITS OBVIOUS! The war on terror is a Zionist creation - end of story! There is no argument & Im so bloody angry Im going to flat say that if by now this penny hasnt dropped, then your brain cells are in drastic need of an overhaul! It goes without saying - in order for these evil lunatics to achieve their goals, it is imperative they continue to slip under the radar. But astonishingly, with the entire mass media having the temerity to accuse RT of bias, instead of RT saying, right. Lets get the gloves off & call a spade a spade by using the Z word, they too are playing dumb over Syria! I cannot believe it! Why do you think corporate media has now imposed a blanket boycott of news from Syria? Because while they are making out they dont know whats going on - Obama doesnt know what hes doing & blah blah blah ........ everything is going according to plan for the Israelis. Why do you think this maniac Netanyahu has now resurrected his vitriolic rhetoric against Iran? Iran is now back on the grid! As soon as Assad falls, you wait & see what happens - every Zionist puppet traitor will be telling us how terrible Iran is! Lo & behold the other day on Peter Lavelles excellent show Cross Talk there was the man himself, Ken OKeefe. There were two other guys who spoke first, both of them critical of US foreign policy - you know, the same old story...... Then it was Kens turn & suddenly it was straight in, full frontal assault! He said Israel was responsible for all the mayhem. The Zionists were the ones pulling the strings. Obama, Cameron & Harper are traitors who simply work for the Zionist agenda, to eventually create Greater Israel where its land mass would increase 100 fold! When this happens Israel will be a super-power because they would have total control of the Middle East. It was music to my ears! He lambasted the others for forever beating around the bush! Incredibly - THEY ALL AGREED WITH HIM! Everything is going according to plan. Assad is being taken out. This is what they wanted a year ago. They are not bombing ISIS. ISIS TAKES ORDERS FROM MOSSAD! Terrorists? Yes! But the only country theyll never attack is Israel. Yet the media will make out theres this terrible terrorist threat so nearby! For sure - but thart threat is Israel! Since when were Arab/Muslim terrorists so well armed, destroying everyone & everything that gets in their way? Supply lines - no problem! HOW DO YOU THINK THEYRE DOING ALL THIS? These murderous scum were the same people used to destroy Libya. Everything the Zionist controlled media is telling you about ISIS IS TOTAL, UTTER BULLSHIT! Thanks to Alis Castano for this link
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 00:38:07 +0000

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