By Morgan Kottman - 44 minutes ago Happy New Years everyone. I - TopicsExpress


By Morgan Kottman - 44 minutes ago Happy New Years everyone. I have been sitting on the couch tonight watching Morgans favorite little man playing with his toys and missing her. Last year Reagan, Tiffany and Cami were here to spend the night. I remember taking them to a party and picking them up at 12:30. I dont know if they had fun at the party but I know they had fun all being together. Morgan loved those girls all so much and loved nothing more than having them all together acting like dorks. I miss them all. I was supposed to have at least two more years of teenagers being goofy in my house, buying unhealthy junk food and staying awake worrying until she was safely home from wherever. Im watching the Lego movie and eating popcorn with Caden thinking this is something Morgan would have loved to do. Last week Kelsey, Reagan and I went for a manicure then took Caden to see Santa Claus. Caden did not like him. We then went to eat at Texas Roadhouse to eat. Tuesday we went to Outback for my brother in law Brians birthday. My nephew Alex and his new wife Emmalie came by to visit too. Alex is in the Marines and is home for 2 weeks. He came home on the 20th and got married on the 21st. On Christmas Eve Kelsey, Caden and I went to mass at 4:00. Jerry didnt get home from work in time. Reagan came and sat with us at church. I was glad she did so my pew didnt feel so empty. Our neighbors sent us a dozen pink roses Christmas Eve for our first Christmas without Morgan. Christmas morning was different. We slept in til about 8:00. (Jacob would have had us up at 6:30) Caden didnt really care about opening presents. Jerry made us breakfast then we opened our pitiful gifts. I wasnt really into shopping this year so it was sparse. Reagan came over around 10:30 and brought us all gifts. My family started showing up at 11:00 and we ate around 1:00. We opened gifts and played cards. It was mostly the same as every year except when it was time to open gifts and Morgan wasnt there to open one between Ty and Zach. It was an ok day and we made it through with just a few tears. Friday I took Jerry and my mom shopping with me and we went out and bought a bunch of after Christmas crap we probably didnt need. We cleaned a little in the afternoon and Jerry and I went to see the new Hobbit movie. Saturday Kelsey and I cleaned Cadens room out and Jerry and my brothers moved the dog house out of the garage and into the back yard. We went to see Morgan in the afternoon and then headed to Kansas City for a Christmas party with Jerrys family. Sunday Jerry went to work and I did more cleaning. Back to work this week. Last night Jerry and I went to Lawrence and met some old friends for dinner. It was nice to see them and catch up. We have heard from Jacob a couple more times. He has been struggling with the loss of Morgan. He says he wanted to go there and hes glad he is there but he wishes he had had more time at home right after Morgan died. He says one of his drill instructors is really helpful and lets him talk about her with him. I am glad about this. I told him not to be afraid to tell them if he needs help dealing with things. He continues to be the platoon guide. Kelsey has almost made a full recovery from her wisdom teeth extraction. She had to go back last week on Monday with a dry socket. They cleaned it out and packed it then she had to go back on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday to have it repacked. It was not a pleasant experience for her. We all continue to miss Morgan immensely. For Christmas I had made Christmas ornaments for everyone with pictures of Morgan and that person. They came out really good and I think everyone liked them. I have mine hanging from my rear view mirror so I can see it daily. One of my favorite things we have now is Morgans phone and her time hop app. I love to look every day to see what kinda of things she posted 1,2,3 years ago. It is fun to see what she was doing and usually there is a picture attached. There isnt one every day but pretty often. I hope everyone has a wonderful new year! Make sure to hug your kids every chance you get.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 03:03:07 +0000

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