By Morgan Kottman - An hour ago Well here we are the second week - TopicsExpress


By Morgan Kottman - An hour ago Well here we are the second week of our first year without Morgan. We have been keeping busy. On New Years Day we went bowling with some of my family and then to Keelis 1st birthday party. We have to keep Caden aquainted with her so Ashley and Reagan can take them on a date when they are 14. On the 2nd we went to Reeds with a bunch of people to watch Kstate at the Alamo bowl. The outcome wasnt so great but it was nice to be out. Saturday I put away Christmas stuff and on Sunday We went to Jerrys work Christmas party at the Argosy casino. We had a nice dinner and I got to meet some of the guys Jerry is always talking about. We even went and left some money at the casino. While we were there we ran into Jerrys uncle Steve and aunt Julie. Monday it was back to a full week of work and of course that was the day I was sick. Pretty much felt crummy til about Thursday. Tuesday basketball started back up so went to watch Reagan and the girls play. Im glad we have these games to go to to get us out of the house. Wednesday Jerry took Caden and went with my Dad and brothers,nephews, brother in law. They had dinner at Wendys then went to the Farm show. I think they really enjoyed it. I know Caden did. Thursday Jerry and I went to see Unbroken. It was really good. Friday jerry went to work and there was another basketball game. Caden got to come this time. He started getting crabby so we left early. Saturday my friends Lori and Randy were in town so took me out to lunch. We were at Chilis for over 2 hours visiting. It was really nice to catch up with them. Saturday evening Reagan came over for dinner and to hang out and spend the night with us. She wants to keep up her job as surrogate aunt with Caden so neede d to spend some time with him where they could actually play. Of course he had been running a fever all day and was crabby and not very playful. We watched Rio 2 with him and I think we all fell asleep. Reagan spent the night and we got up and went to mcdonalds and church on Sunday. Caden was not feeling well and ended up at Sunflower Prompt care. Turns out he really didnt feel good. He had pink eye, strep throat and influenza. Poor little guy. Today he spent the day with my Mom and Dad. They need to be exposed to a few germs every once in awhile. Sunday evening we met with my parents and siblings to start planning mom and dads 50th anniversary party. Morgan had told Mom we needed to get busy on that so we are. We got a letter from Jacob back on the 2nd but hadnt heard from him since. Until today. In that last letter he said he had been really sick since he had gotten there and felt like he may have bronchitis/pneumonia/sinus infection. He sounded pretty miserable and didnt want to go to medical because he was afraid he would miss something and maybe have to start all over. He does NOT want to be there any longer than he has to. And to top that off they were getting ready to go do swim week. Just what he needed is to go take his infected sinuses into the water. We decided that no news was good news. I figured by now he is either better or dead. Im pretty sure they would have told me if something had happened to him. He is still struggling with the loss of Morgan but says he goes to church every chance he gets and this seems to help. Today we got a new letter! He is still alive and doesnt mention anything about being sick so maybe the water week cured him. He said they have been crazy busy and havnt had any time to write. They went a whole week with no mail call so he got 10-15 cards and letters all at once. He hasnt had time to read most of them and isnt sure if he will have time to respond. He says to tell anyone who wrote to him thank you and he will try to write back soon. He said he was fired as platoon guide. He isnt sure why. He was getting a haircut and when he came back to grab the stick they said nope go to the back. They gave the guide job to the weakest and most troubled kid in the group. He said all of the other platoon guides got fired too and replaced with a similar kid. He thinks they are just testing him and feels pretty confident he will get it back. He says it just pisses him off but is looking forward to less responsibility for awhile. They have been practicing shooting and he is enjoying that. He really likes the protien bars we have sent and wants us to send 75 for the entire platoon. Jerry is all over this and will have them sent soon as a late Christmas present. He says he is starving all of the time and wants me to sneak him a few pieces of candy. He cant wait to come home and eat a pizza and a bag of M&Ms and have a drink or two. He did get his first MRE and he said it was really good and came with Reeses pieces! He said on his way to chow every night he gets to watch the sunset on the ocean. He said it relaxes him and makes him think of Morgan because she loved California and the beach. See She is watching over him. We are doing alright I guess. We miss Morgan immensely every day with some days easier than others. I still love her time hop app. It goes back in time and shows anything she may have posted on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook over the past 4 years. They are fun to read. I am going to put a couple in the pictures of this post. Sorry this was so long. It had been awhile since I posted and we got that letter from Jacob today and that made me rather long winded.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 03:17:30 +0000

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