By Rex Fritchey The Gospel of Grace vs the Kingdom Message - TopicsExpress


By Rex Fritchey The Gospel of Grace vs the Kingdom Message Christians all are aware of the Gospel of Grace and what it entails. It is the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ for our sins. We are aware that Jesus, who had no sin in His life, bore all our sins, that we might have eternal life with Him in Glory. We understand that this was an unparalleled act of love in which none of us were entitled to this unmerited Grace, as well. It was a GIFT. The Church Age is the time frame or moed that The Father gives Christians to promote this message to all the unsaved all over the world, and then, the end shall come. This message will be preached by the converted gentiles, who represent the fruit of Pauls conversion on His road to Damascus. At the rapture of the Church, this will conclude the Age of Grace, and a different message will be preached throughout the world. That message will be about the Coming Kingdom which is referring to Jesus Thousand Year Reign during the Millennium. This message is for the Jews who will be converted during the tribulation period by the 144,000 Jewish Priests evangelizing the world. They will become messianic Jews . These same Jews will rule in Jerusalem with Jesus and David during these thousand years. Jerusalem will be the Centerpiece in which all the nations of the world will make a trip once each year, as described in the Book of Zechariah 14. Any nation that fails to make the required visitation at the Feast of Tabernacles, each year, will be cut off from any rain for their crops. This is how a Theocracy works, and Jesus means business. He says what he means and He means what He says, and HE ENFORCES WHAT HE WANTS DONE, ALWAYS! This will be His Kingdom Rule. Man will have no say in HOW this Government will be run The age of gentile rule will be completely, stopped in its tracks, at Armageddon, that takes place just before Jesus Millennial Rule. The New World Order, the plans of the Anti-Christ, and False Prophet with his 6-6-6 program will be demolished. Satan will be bound and cast into the Bottomless Pit for the Thousand Years that Jesus will rule the nations of the world. Jesus will be in full control and it He will rule with an iron rod, and all the scales will be balanced. There will be no more injustice, unholiness, or unrighteous behavior. Deliberate sinning will be abolished and justice will be instantly enacted by we who will serve with Jesus during this time with our new Heavenly bodies. We will get our new assignments and our PROMOTIONS at the Bema Judgment just after the rapture. We are, currently in basic training to determine the degree of our loyalty, faithfulness, to Glorify Jesus, edify and teach the Body of Christ until the Church Age ends. Everyone is not teachers, or pastors, evangelists, etc., but we are all Missionaries of one kind or another and can exercise the personal gift in Jesus behalf for the common good. Our gift may be in hospitality, greeting people, or repairing broken items that others would throw away. Whatever that gift is, from as little as a smile, to a glass of water given to a Prophet...Jesus notes what we do in detail, and we get rewarded for our efforts. That is why we should not waste this valuable time in-as-much as the seconds are ticking away... Let us use our allotted time, wisely!
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 15:56:40 +0000

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