By. Sir saif ali khan (saya gee) My commentary on CNN July 7. - TopicsExpress


By. Sir saif ali khan (saya gee) My commentary on CNN July 7. 2014 - updated 12:26 GMT Dalai Lama to Myanmar, Sri Lanka Buddhists : Stop Violence against Muslims. I can hardly find an appropriate adjective to thank Your Holiness the Dalai Lama on your renewed call for Buddhhists in Myanmar to cease violence towards Rohingyas and other Muslim minorities on your 79th Birthday commemoration. The violence on the Rohingya Muslims and entire Muslim community at large is being spearheaded by 969 extremist Face of Buddhist terror monk Wirathu. who is targeting Rohingya and other Muslims of Myanmar. The recent outburst of religious hatred based communal violence in Mandalay the second largest city of Myanmar after Yangon is targeted by Wirathu. In West Arakan religious based communal hatred violence on Rohingya Muslims was Master minded by the Bangladeshi Maghs ( Rakhines ) like RNDP leader Vet. Aye Maung and regional government of Arakan that consists predominantly Buddhist Rakhines. They want to eradicate and uproot the Rohingyas from the soil of Arakan which in fact is the homeland of the Rohingyas for centuries. And we Rohingyas have lived in peace and harmony with the Rakhines side by side for millennium. We are one of the indigenous race of Arakan with concrete historical background. Our citizenship was revoked by dictator Ne Win in1982 unconstitutionally. Then they labelled us Bengalis which we Rohingyas are not. Time and again outbreaks of anti-Muslim violence against the innocent Rohingyas and Myanmar Muslims. Communal violence against Rohingya Muslims left in hundreds of death and thousands homeless. They are made stateless in their own state. Recent violence in Mandalay killed two and injured 14. Communal violence is incited by 969 Wirathu. who gave inflammatory hatred speech against Islam. Your Holiness we will ever remain indebted to you for you have always spoken out for the Rohingya Muslims on the violence committed by Rakhine barbarians and Bangladeshi monks who sneaked into Myanmar to incite violence against the Rhingyas and other Muslims in Myanmar. We also thank Your Holiness for writing to DASSK to call for a halt to the violence on Rohingya and all the Myanmar Muslims, who turns a blind eye and a deaf ear to the plight of the Rohingyas. We Rohingyas will always be grateful to Your Holiness for you are a True Buddhist Spiritual leader a Saint and who always denounce violence against the worlds most persecuted minority in the world - the Rohingyas and for all the Muslims in Myanmar.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 20:22:10 +0000

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