By Sri M in Wisdom of The Rishis , Chapter Isha Vasya Upanishad - TopicsExpress


By Sri M in Wisdom of The Rishis , Chapter Isha Vasya Upanishad - Q: How is one to meditate, and when ? A: How and when to meditate ? It is very important to fix a time when you are practicing meditation. You cannot say, Ill meditate today in the morning and tomorrow at night! Fix a schedule. Dont deviate from that schedule, no matter what happens. Fix a time as early as possible, but not too early, because one day you may get up at 3.30 am, the next day you may not be able to do so. If you can get up at 3.30 am, every day, it is ideal. Fix a reasonable time early in the morning, so that you are not disturbed, when the air is clear and cool, when it is silent, and the sounds of the day have not begun yet. Open the window so that air comes in. Sit early. It does not matter which side you face, but sit in a quiet place where you are not disturbed. First, look at the world around you. Look at the trees or whatever, and then send a message of love and good-will to all living beings. At least for that period of meditation you have no enemies! Sit quietly and mentally send a message of love and good wishes to all, and then do your japa, or meditation, or watch the breath, whatever it is you have been taught. Fix a time and do that exactly at the same time , if possible at the same place. What happens is that if you sit at a particular time at a particular place and meditate, that place at that time, begets a certain vibration which is built up over the years as you continue. When you go and sit down there, automatically you are in a conducive atmosphere. So it becomes easier to meditate . That is one reason. The other reason is, if any of you has a link with a teacher or a guru who has initiated you, who has given you some japa or mantra, then it is all the more important that he knows the time when you are sitting, so that he can help you because you are linked. Otherwise, your mind is wandering here and there, and even if he wants to help you, he cannot. Early morning is the best time. Brahma mahurat starts at 3.30 am ideal time but well-nigh impossible for most people! One can atleast start at 5 or 5.30 and meditate. Fixing of time and place is very important. Om Shantih! Om Shantih ! Om Shantih!
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 04:16:39 +0000

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