By Stephen Garth Elliott I was on my friend Bob Golics show - TopicsExpress


By Stephen Garth Elliott I was on my friend Bob Golics show talking about this Ferguson crap. I made a comment that, Race in America is more a function of class instead of skin color! Here are points to ponder: If you dress and act ghetto regardless of skin color you will be treated in that manner. Sag your pants, wear a hoodie for no reason, speak hoodease/ebonic and poor manners you will be treated like trash. Act a thug and people especially law enforcement and for good reason will treat you badly. There is no white privilege in this regard period. Dress and act like a decent person most people will treat you in that manner including law enforcement. Sure there are exceptions but they are quite rare. I related a story I posted from last week where I was pulled over by a University Hts. police officer. I made a stupid boneheaded turn and was guilty as sin. I was very respectful, told him I was visiting my daughters college and was stupid making that turn. He agreed and gave me a warning. No static no friction. I was very respectful, let him do his job and was on my way. Can you imagine the response if I had a ghetto thug attitude? I would be $270 poorer. Respect the law and the law will respect you. If this country was what liberals, Afrocentrists, and Democrats claim was such an evil racist place how do you account for my success. I have failed in my career and gone broke starting a business and now I am my companys superstar and making a great living. America offers chance after chance and opportunity if you will just grab the ball of opportunity and run with it. If I had accepted the liberal / Afrocentrist view of America I would have quit a long time ago. America loves a winner without regard to skin color and that folks is an irrefutable fact. People I love to win!! Ferguson is an expression of black Americans adopting the false ideology and self-imposed bigotry of low expectations. The self-esteem of those looters is so low it cannot be measured. They have bought into the failure culture that defines what it means to be authentically black and down with the struggle. Stop listening to Democrats, liberals, Afrocentrists and instead listen to your heart and this wonderful country beckoning you to access the wonderful potential given to each of us by our creator. FREE YOUR MIND AND YOUR ASS WILL FOLLOW!!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 02:43:08 +0000

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