By Tom Joad Morning, Chief – It was a genuine displeasure to - TopicsExpress


By Tom Joad Morning, Chief – It was a genuine displeasure to find your factitious, revolutionary manifesto on Facebook today – apparently a product of your fevered, gunpowder-fueled imagination. In truth, I HAVE been “waiting for this day,” when the American people wake up and take stock of what’s really going inside their government – but only a fool would volunteer to stand “sholder to sholder” [sic] with you, waiting for (some faceless state or federal agent) to “to fire the first shot.” Here’s what I believe: “Congress shall make no law … abridging the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Here’s something else I believe: staging an armed confrontation with a well-trained, well-armed, paramilitary police force does not guarantee a ‘peaceful assembly.’ We have enough trouble when we show up armed with only the truth. You DO have the right to bear arms – and you DO have the right to carry those arms in public. What you don’t have, is a lot of common sense. Your self-styled “Constitutional Security Force” has no authority to “show these tyrants we will not stand for any more violations on our constitution or our freedoms.” Armed insurrection against our country is treason. You’d have to be a crazy person to think your plan has any merit – wait … oh, never mind. I’ve been to the website and let me tell you, the crowds you attract, numbering in the dozens, don’t qualify as a “massive rally.” What it does, is give me hope that people that think as you do are in the minority – and that common sense and reason might, eventually, rule the day. Only a megalomaniac would think “I changed the course of history,” Chief. From wiki: “Megalomania is a psychopathological disorder characterized by delusional fantasies of power, relevance, or omnipotence.” You won’t find it in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders these days, having been replaced by a diagnosis of “narcissistic personality disorder.” A rose by any other name – ‘right? My advice? Seek professional help. I support your efforts to draw attention to the political process – and protest whatever abuses of the system you find. Just know you’ll be dismissed out-of-hand by a majority of those you seek to influence when you spout hyperbole like this: “democrats are the true enemy of our country, our freedoms, our constitution, along with liberal news agency’s , liberal news reporters, much like hitlers nazis , time we clean these antiamerican thugs from office.” Slow down, Chief. Breathe. Use a dictionary when you need to – and check your punctuation and sentence structure. This is, after all, the message you’ve pinned to the top of your page – so it’s the first impression many will have of you. Make it a good one. For starters – you might try and explain WHY “democrats are the true enemy.” That ought’a be good for a laugh. Tell me – do the ladies who want to be included in your ‘as-yet-to-be-published’ “Girls of CSF” calendar have to be gun owners – and are you the sole arbiter of who will be included? Sweet deal, Chief … if just a bit pervy. Also – I think it’s wise to keep those 2X and 3X options for t-shirts (it’s important to know your audience). By the way, I thought I should tell you that the link to your “body armor” page is currently broken. If you’re serious about this plan of yours – that’s something your “Constitutional Security Force” will most likely need sooner, rather than later. You’re welcome. Tom Joad | GOP Stopper | Contributor | Follow Tom Joad on Facebook Like wh
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 21:38:29 +0000

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