By Waseem Altaf Thank You America Every apologist from - TopicsExpress


By Waseem Altaf Thank You America Every apologist from Minister Chaudhary Nisar to journalist Ansaar to Captain Imran Khan to Molvi Fazlur Rahman is grieved as if orphaned or perhaps widowed! Hamid Mir and Orya Maqbool Jan are also mourning the sad demise of Hakeemullah Mehsud so dear to Allah that he called him a little earlier. The drone strike was just an excuse, I suppose. While I write this, Chaudhary Nisar, the interior minister, instead of warning the terrorists that ‘any act of violence against the people of Pakistan will be crushed’ is apologizing for the drone attack and pleading that the government of Pakistan was not involved in the drone attack- implying please spare us. That is the stance of the nuclear-capable sixth largest army of the world. Well neither we nor the Americans should do it, is our implicit stand! Let us see when the government announces 10-day mourning for the departed soul. If bombing a church in Peshawar was in line with Shariah, the drone strike was also as per Shariah. Hence the Americans were assigned the task by Allah almighty to transport Hakeemullah to the hereafter where 70 houris were anxiously waiting to take him in their arms. Let us now examine the various objections being raised by these Taliban sympathizers: The Americans sabotaged the peace negotiations is what the interior Minister is agitated at! How can something be sabotaged which never even took off? And by the way what happened to the earlier negotiations and peace deals of 2004 and 2005? You are going to have negotiations with a hodge-podge of 60 plus bands of miscreants who are determined to impose Shariah over you. What is the mechanism of talks and who are the guarantors, please tell the nation. And also as a test case ask the Taliban to release the sons of ex-PM Gillani and ex-Governor Salman Taseer as a goodwill gesture before you initiate any talks! It would have dangerous consequences and a strong backlash! That is a major concern of our apologists! Well, they killed our 40,000 citizens and around 4000 soldiers. They also carry out daily bombings of our cities. I think all this was not a backlash to any act of the people of Pakistan or was it? It is an attack on our sovereignty! Our double-faced leaders shout! Well, every terrorist with an international repute comes and settles within our territory and carries out attacks against our people and does not violate our sovereignty while a drone hitting that terrorist violates it! Interesting! The terrorist Shura is in session right now to elect the new “Amir’ I don’t know if Imran Khan, Molvi Diesel and Molvi Munnawar are also participating or not. Anyway they should! May the entire Shura meet their loved one in heaven as soon as possible!
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 18:50:49 +0000

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