By far the best article on First Aid Homeopathic remedies: Must - TopicsExpress


By far the best article on First Aid Homeopathic remedies: Must read if you are a fitness enthusiast: Secrets of the Super-Athletes: Get energy, endurance for marathons and more (For complete article please read : Homeopathy Today, Summer 2013 by Begabati Lennihan, RN, CCH) Arnica: It can be used preventively. A couple of pellets of Arnica 30C before a marathon or other intense workout can help prevent muscle soreness and fatigue. Tip: To use any remedy preventively you want to take it close to the time when your body needs it. Sacrolactic acid: The lactic acid found in muscles that builds up during exercise and causes soreness and stiffness-can be a great example of “like cures like”, homeopathic paradigm, in action. Homeopathically prepared sacrolactic acid seems to drive lactic acid out of the muscles; protecting runners from that stiff and sore feeling that can hobble us toward the end of marathon. It’s available online. Sportenine by Boiron: Easy way to get benefits of both Arnica and Sacrolactic acid is this product Sportenine by Boiron. It also adds Zincum, “the restless leg” remedy, for leg cramps. The result is a product that can be used preventively as well as during and after a marathon to help with energy, endurance, cramps, and muscular fatigue. Ruta graveolens: Ruta heals connective tissue. Use Ruta 30c to heal an injury such as a torn Achilles tendon or cruciate ligament around the knee. Shin splits-tiny tears in protective covering of the shin bone-can also be treated with Ruta. If you have a tendency to weak ligaments, Ruta is your remedy. Ruta is preferred over Rhus tox (next remedy described below) because of its special affinity for connective tissue-that is its special ability to heal tendons, ligaments, shin splints, and plantar fasciitis. Plus Ruta has special affinity for the knee. It works great for funny sensation when you are walking downstairs and your knee just pops out from under you- it doesn’t hurt, it just gives way. If this happens to you frequently, I recommend Ruta. Ruta is also one of the best remedies for eyestrain from too much reading or computer use, and headaches after orthodontist work where braces have been tightened.(Any shift in the location of teeth, including teeth extraction, shifts the bones in the skull slightly and creates tension in the connective tissue around them. One can also benefit from Craniosacral therapy as an adjunct.) Rhus toxicodendron: Rhus tox is as good as Ruta graveolans for sprains and strains with stiffness, where the person had to limber up the joint by stretching it and moving it, and wants to put heat rather than cold on the joint. Rhus tox is indicated where heat helps the person, like wanting hot bath, shower or heating pad to feel better. Also worse from cold is more pronounced in Rhus tox (than Ruta), making it good remedy for people who get sick from becoming soaked and chilled. Marathon runners in cold rain tend to need Rhus tox a lot for joint stiffness and for preventing cold or flu afterwards. Calcarea fluorica as Cell Salt: Use of Calc fluor 6x as cell salt is recommended in treating an acute or long-term tendon/ligament problem. It strengthens elastic tissue anywhere in the body, including the walls of blood vessels as well as connective tissue. Dissolve a couple tablets in the mouth twice or thrice a day for faster healing. Calc fluor also has remarkable ability to dissolve bone spurs. Calc fluor seems to “remind” the body not to deposit calcium outside the bones. (Where as Calc phos seems to “teach” the body to deposit calcium where it belongs, in the bones). If bone spur has already formed-rendering running impossible if it’s on the heel-Calc fluor can slowly work to dissolve it. Use the same way for strengthening connective tissue. Hekla lava 30C: Effectiveness of Calc fluor can be enhanced by Heckla lava 30C taken at the same time. Spinal stenosis (which involves bone spurs on vertebrae) has been resolved with these two remedies used together. Magnesium phos: Best remedy for muscle cramps for runners. Mag phos works best for cramps during prolonged exercise, because magnesium lost in sweat adds to the magnesium deficiency in the typical American diet. Use Mag phos 30c acutely for a cramp, or use the tissue salt Mag phos 6x preventively. (two tablets dissolved in the mouth twice a day) if you have tendency to get cramps easily. For faster results with acute muscle cramps, the body needs an actual magnesium supplement in addition the homeopathic magnesium in Mag phos. Liquid calcium-magnesium in citrate form absorbs faster than tablets and is easier to swallow during a race. Bluebonnet Liquid Calcium Magnesium Citrate is found out to be the best form. Two tablespoons of it along with Mag phos 30C is a “godsend for cramps”. As for treating sore muscles after the race, there are several topical applications beginning with a simple Arnica gel or Hyland’s muscle Therapy Gel with Arnica. Traumeel is an old favorite with athletes for muscle pain, while the newer Topricin, is good for both muscle and joint pain. Symphytum is good remedy for joint healing. Thiosinaminum is good remedy for breaking down scar tissue. Recommended reading: Homeopathy for Musculoskeletal Healing by Asa Hershoff Homeopathy for Sports, Exercise and Dance by Emlyn Thomas Sports and Exercise Injuries by Dr. Steven Subotnick
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 15:27:14 +0000

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