By negotiating a deal with David Cameron on the Energy Export - TopicsExpress


By negotiating a deal with David Cameron on the Energy Export program, Enda Kenny is now acting on behalf of the Wind Industry and ignoring the concerns of both the Irish people, and campaigners alike. Is he not aware of our wishes? Has he no knowledge of the Irish peoples huge movement against windfarms? Yes, he is aware, and yes he knows. Yet hes chosen not to consider us Irish people, and instead look after the interests of his parties lobbyists, and his financial supporters instead. Why? Its simple financials. Figures out this week in the UK show that a small 10 turbine Windfarm got £2 million sterling each year from UK taxpayers in subsidies. (or €,2,400,505). So for example, lets look at the proposed Greenwind Windfarm project here in Offaly which has 32 turbines on its plans. Using the British subsidy rate as reference on 32 turbines, it gives the Wind developer and friends, a potential public handout of £6,400,000 a year. (or €7,686,349) That figure is based on the British priced subsidies rates given to a British developer. Ours are similar. Now consider the other profits on top of figure too. Profits from.. 1) Yearly returns from electricity sales. (Entitled to these profits) 2) Constraint payments, (again, handouts from taxpayers) 3) Sales of Green Certificates Profits to a business, that although it has substantial setup costs and shareholders to pay, it has only a tiny outlay on its tiny workforce, has little or no costs beyond its Windfarm perimeter as the huge wiring infrastructure is built by taxpayers. And since Im on about taxpayers, Bord na Mona is a State body and did remedial road works in Daingean for their Windfarm in Mountlucas, we can assume it was taxpayers money that paid for it? Yep. And as these Windfarms are so reliant on wind that sometimes isnt there, (like today as I write, 3rd day of fog) , we taxpayers will also pay for the building of any future power stations, or pay for the upgrading of existing stations to back up these wind farms when they sit still, like they do today. (Though in fairness, we in Ireland are more than covered with existing power stations, the recession means less demand, the biggest issue with power stations is the fact that they have now to be run so inefficiently to back up wind, which is given priority nowadays due to some questionable EU legislation.) WHAT IS WIND ENERGY PRODUCING RIGHT NOW ? Irelands Wind Generation is.. Wait for it.. 7 MW, out of a theoretical 2500MW. Last updated @ 10:30am this Wed morning 12/03/2014. Irelands energy demand at the moment of typing is 3629MW. Look for yourself here So we taxpayer mugs pay out, then have to put up with the sights and noise of these white bladed elephants, but at least we get all our money back? Dont we? Very, very slowly, due to knockdown prices paid by utilities for wind energy. Ironically, in the case of BnM, the electricity is sold to UK for a knockdown whoesale price, so we wont be getting our cash back too quickly. Same for domestic markers here in Ireland. This knockdown price is a fact of wind energy policy by the way. Under current EU energy directives, wind energy has to be bought by utility companies, using whats called PPAs, power purchase agreements. (ESB is a utility company), and this wind energy is sold cheaper than any other energy as its considered too erratic in supply and not reliable enough to be constant for demand. Then why bother? This Wind Energy policy is not about being Green. Its not about the environment. Its not about jobs. Its not about lower electric bills. Its not about value for money. Its not even about energy. As neither we, the public, nor the environment will benefit. Its about making money. Its about making more money for those with plenty of it already. Its about money making alliances with those in positions of authority. Its about those in position of authority, implementing legislation that benefits those with money. Its ultimately about a few looking after themselves, and their financial sponsors, for the foreseeable future. The Energy issue will always be around, it has been for millennia. From prehistoric times, and cavemen fighting over the first flintstones and lightening struck burning bushes for their own fire production, to today and beyond with financial investments being made in promising theoretical energy sources of the future. We can speculate about current issues all we want, environmental and energy, but there will always be a better energy source around the corner to fight over, except unlike our cavemen ancestors, we fight financially nowadays, and there will always be environmental issues too, which some see merely as financial gains worth fighting over too. Theres a hell of a lot of money to be made from these environmental issues and concerns. Its not just about the environment. It should be, but its not. Remember, this whole worldwide renewable project has stemmed from ienvironmental concerns and look at the profit margins being made. Theyre huge profits, but only for the few. And speaking of profits. Every politician knows that their careers are short lived, their days are numbered, and theyll spend more time as a retired politician than an active one, therefore comes the need to prepare their retirement funds. Like the other Wind Industry appointed spokesman, Pat Rabbitte, it seems Enda Kenny may also be making provisions for a possible unfavourable outcome in the future 2016 elections. And sensing the possible end of the road of their political careers, who can blame them for making alliances with Wind Industry money, and going door to door on the industries behalf to promote their products. Enda just so happens to be knocking on the door of No.10 Downing Street, thats all. Rabbitte is content with just confusing everybody involved, including us public, the media, the industry and himself.. Maybe 2016 is just a little too far away for some to wait for. Tom. irishtimes/news/politics/wind-energy-plan-tops-downing-street-talks-1.1721243#.UyAhfR3PWQ0.twitter
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 11:21:58 +0000

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