By now, you are all starting to feel vibrations within your own - TopicsExpress


By now, you are all starting to feel vibrations within your own body. Your world is becoming clearer to you. But the question your are all are asking is “What are your capabilities?”. You are also starting to realize that you are love and everyone around you is love. In fact, the only place that this is not true is within your beliefs and feeling buried in the subconscious mind. So at this time, mind is the enemy within. It is a mind full of fear and beliefs which keeps you separate from your magnificence. Remember, every thought you give attention to, whether it is because you fear it or love it, becomes a big part of your vibration mix in the NOW moment. The “Law of Attraction” only works in the NOW moment. People are learning through practiced attention to any subject that the “The Law of Attraction” delivers circumstances, conditions, experiences and events for them. They are learning, that to manifest anything, it is necessary to stay focused, have belief in self and keep going until the desired result is manifested. But there is a tendency to give up. When I was younger, I had great ideas of what I wanted to do, but over several weeks, the idea got diluted down and I just gave it up. But since, I have learned that it is by having full faith in my ideas and not to stop due to thoughts of fears and doubts, but to follow my inner guidance that the day would come when I would manifest my true reality. “The Law of Attraction” matches your habitual dominant vibration. Belief is only a practiced vibration. “The Law of Attraction” accepts your beliefs as your point of attraction and brings you things that match that vibration. Anything you call your truth is your creation, because it will come to pass and anything that you give your attention to will become your truth. So take a look at the predominance of your thoughts as they will become your truth and reality. To deliberately decide to redirect your thoughts, you are now focusing on your new point of attraction and “The Law of Attraction” is working to give you this new thought and working to create it. Remember Jesus words, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do”. Your thoughts are energized by feelings, which your ideas summons and utilize the energy that creates everything. So, we as people of the earth are co-creating this universe while not actually being aware what we do. Consciousness is life, that exist anywhere and is always evolving in this eternally becoming universe. Our thoughts right now will benefit or inhibit our self and the future of new generation to come. By bringing harmony to thoughts and feelings, everybody will benefit. I would like you to bear this in mind, that if we allow fear to run our own lives, then we are diluting down the possibilities of what could be summoned to manifest on this planet. A simple shift in your energetic frequency will dramatically have impact in your life. You do not have to take my word for it. There is documented evidence carried out by Dr Emoto, showing people thoughts affect the energy of objects. From what I have read, the research study “took water and exposed it to different objects and environments”. This was then let sit while he projected a thought into the glass of water with an object in it. Then the water was frozen and the resulting water crystals were observed under the microscope for frozen crystals of thoughts about love and the complete opposite such words of anger or fear. What was amazing was, the higher vibration of love gave beautiful crystals and the lower vibration of fear gave poor crystals which were rough and dull. You now will start to ask question or to imagine how your body reacts to your own fearful thoughts. It will become a new science and will reinvent good health. Also, when man masters his thoughts good health will be for all. You can imagine how often your focus of attention will be ideas of principles less than love. You might be aware of your predominant thoughts of fear and bear in mind every emotion that you feel is about your alignment or lack of alignment of the energy of “All That Is”. It is within my knowing and my direct contact with my higher wisdom that our emotions are only indicators of the vibration between our physical being and our inner Christ Self. If you’re predominant thought is fear and fear related, your very focus and knowing creates an unconscious feeling of lack, loneness and separation from your good. This focus creates a holding vibration of undesired results. For the purpose of explaining, predominant thought or a holding vibration, let us say you are observing a lack of money in your life. I am using this example as we are presently in a recession. So everyday you are observing lack. It is talked about in the news; it is written about in the newspapers and is spoken about everywhere. Hence, “The Law of Attraction” binds us to the very circumstance we do not desire. If you decide to be mean, thrift with your money and in so doing you break “The Law of Circulation” and you become the victim of circumstances. Then, you look to blame somebody or a law, event that has taken place in your life. By the very fact that you do without, you are choosing to sacrifice and experience lack. Your intention is there will be lack. Now your observation is lack. Your focus is lack and everything you want, you decide to deny yourself. This is a holding vibration of lack, your point of attraction is lack, your focus is on lack and your holding patterns are not matching your desire of the opposite of lack, Abundances for all. Remember Jesus said what ever you do to the least of my breather you do to me Remember, you ask “All That Is” by your focus. If your predominant thought and focus is lack, you create a holding pattern of lack. Furthermore, you have lost your trust in the loving universe and begin to blame somebody or thing for your own misfortune thought which will be energized by the matching feeling. I would like to ask at this point, to get you to recall Jesus words, “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do”. You ask through your attention on lack, so you receive more of what you ask for. Practicing unconditional love for yourself and others by what you focus on, changes the energetic frequency to a higher frequency. This allows you to attract a life that serves you. The more you trust and align to the higher frequency, the more will you attract the loving vibration to manifest the Christ Self within? With this knowing of how to shift your energetic frequency from that of fear to trust and acceptance, you will be able to harness the power that has been allotted to you. Basically, your energetic frequency determines your level of consciousness. The higher your frequency, the more you become in touch with the 12 powers which are waiting to be discovered within us all. These 12 powers are; 1) Faith 2) Wisdom 3) Love 4 ) Strength 5) Imagination 6) Understanding 7) Order, Eight- Zeal 9) Renunciation or Elimination, 10) Power, 11) Life (Eternal) and 12) Will. At this point, I draw your attention to the work of Dr. David Hawins or rather take a look of his work called “Power Vs. Force”. He showed that consciousness and therefore each human emotion has a vibration assigned to it. In his score, Love vibrates at around 700. The Love I am referring to is Unconditional Love. Jesus came into this world with that frequency and he could lift lower vibration to a vibration of Love by the wisdom and truth he taught and by his presence being present in the now moment. I here now draw your attention to the great work of Dr. Braud et al. He proved that our thoughts affect the things around us. Now more and more prominent Scientists are discovering the subtle energy which is the basis of life. I was listening to self-development media been broadcast from the USA and the research that is becoming available to us now is going to alter our old paradigm. Collectively, the men and women involved in this work are starting to say that “it is your vibrational frequency that will attract emotions and the physical manifestation by matching your vibration frequency to that of unconditional love; you will attract the emotions and the ability to manifest the life of your dreams”. So the question I ask you now is, “Is there any holding thought forms and associated feelings within your energetic frequency that is holding you back from having a wonderful life here on earth?” For the normal personality, the ultimate goal is the realization of the Ego Ideal. The problem is that, when you are trying to reach a goal, you are separating yourself from your present reality. You, at the moment are not living in the NOW and you are in someway REJECTING where you are at the moment. So your focus is rejecting your NOW moment. Everybody sets goals to accomplish certain things or to be a certain way. This is because you believe that the way things are and the way you are at present are not good enough and you won’t get what you want. We now know that the mind spends most of its time designing ways to fill needs, satisfy desires and quell fears. Whether you are meditating, watching TV, mowing the grass, there is agitation taken place in the mind. This arises out of your own sense of deficiency of holes needing to be filled. Hence everything we engage in is an attempt to fill that sense of incompleteness. Incompleteness is actually “the experience of a distance from your own completeness” This split which happened at about two years of age is where you created separation from “All that Is”. The (ME) separate identity begins. This gap between what you think you are and the fact that you are much more just gets bigger. The only way I am able to stay in the NOW moment is to connect to “All that is” Is focused attention, e.g. meditation. This separation from your real self (God Consciousness/All that is) will bring wants, needs, and the thought that accompany them as well as the feelings that accompany these thoughts. By identifying with your desires, you perpetuate the size of the chasm by strengthening a self image that is in error (SIN) from your true identity of who you are. By identifying with your desires, ideas, and who you think you are, the mind and personality have accumulated many inaccurate beliefs, preconceptions which cause you to create gigantic resistance. This resistance rejects the possibilities of being in the now moment. The simple fact is that being is beyond mind. Being is Feeling the divine presence within. When one is saturated with the presence of the love and the power of the Father Mother God they truly feel the presence of the whole universe within itself. Egotism goes beyond even pride to encompass all negative ego qualities and emotions. Our life is fear based egotism. The only answer I know to solve all life problems of humanity is to create “Christ Consciousness” within you. . To realize God is to transcend the negative ego with all its negative attributes, qualities and emotions. The ego is the source of all separation, fear, and selfishness. The key to inner peace is not to allow any thought that is of the negative ego that is not of God, to enter your mind. It is through the approach of attitudinal healing that the subconscious mind can under go a cleansing of all the fear that is lodged there, and consciousness of “Christ Consciousness can awaken “then feelings of love will be absorbed and a knowing will be re-programmed into the accommodating mind” allowing the feeling of love to take its dormant position of feeling before thought A new way of living will be demonstrated. To describe the negative ego in two word it would be separation consciousness (separation from all that is, GOD). “The world is living in a mass negative hypnosis of separation that does not exist. Life is a tremendous energy phenomenon. A single atom, which is invisible to the eyes, if it explodes, can destroy a city (Hiroshima/Nagasaki). If an atom of matter has that much energy, just think – your consciousness is a far higher phenomenon. Your being must be carrying universes of energy – dormant of course, because you are not aware. Any energy that comes out of meditative silence is creative. (Your purpose in life is to create whatever you desire while letting others create what they desire). While in a meditative state – accept this life energy. Your desires will come in time with focused attention; your life will be enriched. Rejoice with the flames of the energy, set up a dialogue with existence itself. Be not afraid for it will retard the process; let the resistance go, trust by entering inward into the deeper realms of your consciousness. Learn to drop fears as you enter inward – because there is nobody except your own energy and your own energy cannot be an enemy. THE NEXT STEP IS YOURS.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 16:21:45 +0000

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