By sociopolitical inference, poverty is NOT short-term as - TopicsExpress


By sociopolitical inference, poverty is NOT short-term as suggested by Stephen Pimpare; but at least a generation-long [which is about 25-30 years]. That is, being hand-to-mouth, homeless status for a month - or even for 3-consecutive-years on account of having been fired from a job due to shrinkage in the national economy, makes one being poor; and a bit overly-emotional to call one impoverished. And neither can we call a poor person whose sole subsistence is long-term government-welfare-dependency. . .as being outta poverty. ALL BECAUSE POVERTY IMPLIES ONES INABILITY FOR SELF-RELIANT EXISTENCE THAT IS SUSTAINABLE FOR AT LEAST A GENERATION-LENGTH OF TIME. Government-welfare dependency is but a short-term bandage/band-aid intended to minimize the bites of poverty/poorness that economic recessions bring about. Thait is, tis NOT intended to make the poor become dependent to it. . .such as in the design-concept of marxism that acculturizes birth-to-grave dependency of its enslaved subjects that is demonstrably-shown through the slavesque prostitution of the marxist-dependents tit-for-tat exchange of his/her utilitarian value. . .to the marxist-regimes mediocre lifes provisions that it rewards its laboring-dependent-slaves - and much less is welfare-programs intended to get these welfare dependents gorge on their welfares free-provisions and getting theemselves sickeningly-obese in their voracious-intake of freebies [freebies-only-to-recipients because these are ALL paid-for by the laboring taxpayers]. IN THE PHILIPPINES SETTING where some 25M to 30M Filipinos are generationally-impoverished to the near-superlative degree of poverty that only the Ethiopians/Somalians/Sudanese have outscored in the past years, the incoming briggs presidency will use the proven benefits of cooperative-system as the best vehicle to conquer mass-poverty once-and-for-all-time as the system not only acculturizes poverty-victims to become consistently socioeconomically-productive on their own terms but also to taste and manage the fruits of their incentivized-labors for lifetime-sustainability. Simultaneously with cooperative-based productivity, the briggs presidency will institute the following measures to strengthen the impact and enduring-gravitas of productive acculturization, namely: 1- establish citifiable relocation areas far from existing urban neighborhoods for impoverished families to develop by themselves with governmental leadership [in economic and physical-infrastructural matters], and in sociocivic and edu-cultural matters by TOPParty-experts; and, 2-life-long schooling process in a workshop-setting that is oriented towards entrepreneurship of the participating heads-of-families; 3- short-term housing for homeless persons that is patterned after the Grant County Mission [Marion, IN 46953] to get these poor people incentivized to become productive again within 3 to 5 months; and 4- long-term medical facility to be patterned after the Bridges to Health of Marion, IN - for the same reason as in item#2 above; and 5- pinpoint sectors of Philippine society where smart graduates of the lifelong-schooling program could get employed for better wages; and, 6- discourage vice and other unproductive Filipino past-times [beer-drinkings, barkada-bingeings, etc] and institute productive-substitutes [such as home-based business, weekend church-involvements, backyard family-gardening a la 4H Clubs, non-betting sports after work, etc.]; and 7- train qualified persons as militias that are mobilizeable within momentst by the communitys sheriff 24/7 inorder to contain and breach of law and order; and, 8- as part of lifelong schooling, a Habitat-for-Humanity type of program will get instituted to get people start to build their own family-homes; and. . . among many other life-enhancing, self-incentivizing programs to finally-wean these poor Filipinos from their decades-of-poverty-mindsets into their prosperous-future-through-sustainable-socioeconomic-self-reliant ethos. PLEASE TAKE NOTES ABOUT THIS MATTER. . .Engr. George Manlangit, Dr. Gerino Macias, Atty. Albert Rojo . . . etc. Yall will be frontliners with me in our war against Philippine poverty - that we MUST WIN WITHIN 10-YEARS! _________________________________________ Generational Poverty Is the Exception, Not the Rule by Stephen Pimpare June 28, 2014 billmoyers/2014/06/28/generational-poverty-is-the-exception-not-the-rule/
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 19:11:28 +0000

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