By the special Grace of God, we will be alive to usher in 2015. - TopicsExpress


By the special Grace of God, we will be alive to usher in 2015. But just before then, I have these words and thought to share with anyone who comes across them. First, I am unspeakably grateful to God for his marvelous grace that has brought me and my family this for since January 1, 2014. Without him, I would have been dead and gone—in October, when I briefly but seriously got ill. I stayed home a week. I thought I had been attacked by Ebola, though the symptoms were different. I fear was allayed with I rushed to the hospital, Mawah. I nearly lost my breadth, but my illustrious wife was there with me in the middle of one night that I will never forget. She prayed and soaked my body, oozing with sweat, with cold water. At the hospital, x-ray results showed that I had been attacked by a chronic cold that had gathered under my heart. I would have died of heart attacked any further delay in seeking medication, doctors told me. I would have been counted as Ebola victim, and there would have been no grave for me. Then, my wife and son would have been quarantined and ostracized. I have never swallowed before the amount of pills given me at Mawah, and I thank God that I made it from there. May God bless Doctors Kamara and Anthony who treated me on a priority level. My wife was very, very carrying! She’s a real wife. My pastor called and prayer with me in the middle of the night. The prayer continued in service while I was home. Dozens of calls and text massages came from members of the New Georgia Baptist Church after Pastor Victor G. Koon announced my illness to the congregation. I really felt like being part of “The Church Where Everybody Is Somebody.” 2014 remains a memorable year in my Life. I survived with my family for six months without salary, yet nobody knew. We remained healthy and appeared decent. And in the midst of the storm, I also resigned from an institution that I had worked with for 8 consecutive years to dedicate my time to serving humanity. The Ebola storm, though not over yet, did not affect any of my immediate and extended family members. No, we are not counted among the over 2,500 that died and buried in mass graves. No, we were not involved in any form of accident. We are alive and kicking by God’s grace. I travelled locally and internationally, met and interacted with people from many parts of the world—some becoming permanent friends and creating other opportunities for me. As we enter the New Year my family and I are very grateful to God for giving us another opportunity to live and to serve Him and humanity. I am not a perfect guy, and I might have noticeably or unnoticeably stepped on people’s toes based on my appearance, or the way I talk, walk or do my job. To you, whosoever it is, I say never mind. It was never intentional, and I ask for your forgiveness. I promise to do and be better in 2015. Thanks to all of you who came my way, who helped me along the way. You invaluable contribution to my life and my project are noted by God who has your rewards. May our path cross again. I wish everyone, especially you reading this post, a prosperous 2015!
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 21:12:01 +0000

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