By the time I was 25 years of age, Ive done lived a life of a 40 - TopicsExpress


By the time I was 25 years of age, Ive done lived a life of a 40 year old man...I use to tell everyone that if I was to die, Id be content, for Ive got to do pretty much everything...on ones bucket list. Been shot at and missed, crapped on and hit, skydived, scuba dived, flew fixed wing and rotary for fun, shooting competitions, extreme hunting and fishing, rock climbing and seen many cultures. Experienced the independence our my country (freedom day March 31st 1979). Served some for Us Navy. (some) six years...Fell in love multiple times...suffered extreme losses...My time is almost considered almost over for most regular folks. Right? Im just getting warmed up to do it over again. Only better...I wont go to my grave peacefully...Im going the way everyone should go..Doing what you love most..Mine is to love more Since I was never blessed with children of my own, the only mark I can leave behind is my love for life and for each and everyone of you in my life and the ones yet to be in my life. At 50 around the age when you start burying family and friends and you outlive a whole bunch more, you realise that life is not to be taken for granted. Ive still have plenty more to learn and teach and experience. Going back through some of my time line on this and other profiles, I come to realise that I am not a broken-damaged man...a little wounded maybe..In Maltese we call it Ferit Qalbi ferita. But thats ok...I always heal...(must be the ware wolf blood from Zejtun in me. lol I love my family back home. Although separated by miles, they still nurture me and wrap their loving arms around me from across the oceans. They make sure I stay pure and not get corrupted in my heart. The Maltese heart is something you have to experience for yourself...Through the ages, its been resilient. strong, endearing. It bleeds but never dies. These are just my thoughts for the evening before I shut things down and retire with my Desire and Lilith My two most trusted girlfriends. They play me sweet melodies to fall asleep with. Im used to their touch, their sound, and they almost pick what ever they deem necessary to play...I pick them up and never play a particular song...They seem to pick the melody for connecting my fingers to their strings. (I think its magic) I love you. Where ever you are and who ever you are. Sweet dreams.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 03:21:36 +0000

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