By the upcoming weekend I had introduced Lizzie to Bill. Even - TopicsExpress


By the upcoming weekend I had introduced Lizzie to Bill. Even though Mrs. Compton was friends with him, she had never talked about the accident and he never asked. As far as Bill knew, Lizzie had died that day. It was a glorious meeting. We set up the date for the wedding. It was a small, simple affair. Frank and Eloise were there along with Lizzie’s friends. The dress was simple, the vows were short and the reception was just a dinner but it was meaningful as two people who had been one were made one again. Mrs. Compton had offered to pay for a honeymoon but we both declined, grateful to just be together again. Since we didn’t want to go away, she did and gave us the run of the house for the weekend. We crawled in bed the night of the wedding just as nervous as we were the first time we got in bed together. We were two different people and just a “little older” than we were the last time. Lizzie rolled over towards me and put her head on my chest, her arm draped over me. She looked up at me. Her red hair was falling down, framing her face and over her shoulders. I never noticed before but she had freckles on her shoulders as well. Her blue eyes were in love and at peace. I watched her lips move as she said “I love you Jeffery. I loved you before and I love you more now.” Those words went from her lips to my ears, through my heart and right to my soul healing any wounds that were left. I looked back down at her and kissed her on the forehead. “I never thought I would hear those words again from you. You mean more to me today than you ever have. I love you too Lizzie. All my love, always…..” Epilogue The story of Jeff and Lizzie certainly continues on from here. It is a story that will be written each moment, each day they are together. Like Jeff and Lizzie, we have traveled on a journey that started on August 11, 2014. It started with one scene of a dimly lit bar, scotch on the rocks and a troubled man and ended with that same man in the arms of the one he loves. This story wrote itself as we walked along. It wrapped up moments in life we all have had. Moments in life that define us, that make us who we are. It may be a moment of triumph such as the day Jeff met Jesus in church or it may be a moment of despair when Jeff thought he had lost Lizzie forever. Both of those moments shaped Jeff’s life and took us along on the journey. So to end this, I want to say thank you. Thank you for sharing this story with me. Thank you for the encouragement and recommendations as the story developed. Microsoft word puts the story at roughly 30,250 words but I am sure it is more than that on Facebook. Those paragraphs took on a life of their own as they were edited even more. Some have asked if there will be another story. I am pretty sure there will be but I am not sure when. I have an idea I am working on so stay tuned…..
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 00:27:16 +0000

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